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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Dataiku

Dataiku allows enterprises to create value with their data in a human-centered way while breaking down silos and encouraging collaboration. One of the most unique characteristics of our product, Dataiku, is the breadth of its scope and the fact that it caters both to technical and non-technical users. With Dataiku, we aim to empower people through data and democratize data science.
As a Business Programs Analyst, you will collaborate with different departments across the company (Sales, Customer teams, Enablement, etc.) to improve the execution of Go-to-Market (GTM) activities and programs. In this role you will help scale programs and drive clear business insights that result in cross-functional teams achieving their purpose and business goals.

What you’ll do:

Execute on strategic projects that improve operations, and help scale them across the GTM team from concept to execution and runtime Ensure smooth cross-functional alignment and consistency of operations across all tactical and strategic initiatives and programs Measure the effectiveness, both qualitative and quantitative, of our programs Work with the Sales Analytics and Business Operations teams to manage data integrity, freshness, and cleanliness of the Salesforce database and dashboards Support the Sales Leaders with ad hoc analysis and present data in a way that can be consumed rapidly by decision-makers Facilitate recurring activities such as internal quarterly business reviews, account segmentation and tiering, deal reviews, etc.

Who you are:

Bachelor degree or equivalent professional experience Strong analytical skills and problem solving mindset Excellent written and verbal communication skills Proactive, curious, quick-learner, and strong attention to detail Experience working with multiple stakeholders in an sales organization toward business goals Desire to work in a fast-paced, collaborative environment with the ability to adapt to change Experience working with Salesforce CRM, Tableau, or Dataiku DSS is a big plus! Based in London, UK or Paris, France and able to travel for extended period of time in both locations To fulfill its mission, Dataiku is growing fast! In 2019, we achieved unicorn status, doubled in size and opened new offices across the globe. 2020 looked no different as we announced a $100 million Series D in August! We are now more than 600 Dataikers globally. Spanning from Sydney to Frankfurt, Denver to London, geography (and remote work) doesn’t stop Dataikers from working closely together and sharing experiences. Collaboration is key within our product and culture. We strive to create a sense of belonging and community while fostering diverse thinking by encouraging cross-team, cross-office interactions like our annual company offsite or Paris onboarding. Fly over to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to read stories about our culture, people, and success.
Our practices are rooted in the idea that everyone should be treated with dignity, decency and fairness. Dataiku also believes that a diverse identity is a source of strength and allows us to optimize across the many dimensions that are needed for our success. Therefore, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All employment practices are based on business needs, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, neurodiversity, disability status, citizenship, veteran status or any other aspect which makes an individual unique or protected by laws and regulations in the locations where we operate. This applies to all policies and procedures related to recruitment and hiring, compensation, benefits, performance, promotion and termination and all other conditions and terms of employment.
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