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Contenu de l'offre Web Analyst (M/F) chez Datawords

Datawords has pioneered a new discipline, e-Multiculturalism, which enables its big-brand clients and e-commerce players to accelerate their international expansion.

Datawords has developed unique know-how and expertise in the adaptation, localization and multilingual management of digital content. Where the semantic and the technical meet, the agency gets involved at all levels of multilingual digital production to ensure that the international roll-out of a brand’s digital marketing is managed in a pertinent and synchronized manner, for optimal results.

Today, Datawords has 500 employees, representing about forty nationalities and over fifty languages. The company has established offices in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, New-York, the Philippines and, most recently, Spain and Italy. As a fast-growing company with a strong identity, Datawords can offer candidates with a keen interest in new technologies and multiculturalism a unique opportunity to play a part in shaping the Web, taking full account of its multiple international implications.

To keep pace with technological developments in the sector and face up to its increasing challenges though constant innovation, Datawords is looking for a:

Web Analyst M/F


As a web analyst based in Paris, you will work closely with prestigious luxury brands by giving them strong business insights based on their digital data. This data is used by top management of these brands and is key for them to decide their worldwide strategy. You will work closely with European, American and Asian web analytics teams.

We are looking for someone who is strong in data analytics, has an eye for detail but also understands the essence of a client’s request. You should be a good communicator in English (Chinese is also a strong asset), be able to learn quickly and be very comfortable with numbers. Finally, it is necessary to have a pro-active attitude and a critical thinking mind-set and you should not be afraid to ask questions or keep asking them to make things clear.


Regular reporting for our clients on their cross-channels digital data;Implementation of dashboards to communicate data to our clients;Report production: gathering, reprocessing, and analysis of statistical data;Report automation;Writing of comments to explain main trends and anomalies for clients’ headquarters and local affiliates;As analytics expert for our clients: presentations to clients, regular conference calls, occasional trips abroad.

Required experience and skills:

Master’s degree in engineering/statistics/IT or business degree with BI or statistics specialization.Strong analytical skills: proficiency in Excel is a must, experience with analytics tools is a strong advantage.Knowledge of at least one programming language for report automation (JS, VBA, python, R, ...)Critical mindset and an eye for details.Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.Written and oral Chinese is a strong assetGood organisational skillsTeam player with a positive attitude


Long term contractFull-time position, 35h a weekSalary according to profileAdvantages: health insurance, ticket restaurants, 50% reimbursement of transportation ticketsWorking in an international, young and dynamic environment

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent


statistics: 1 year (Required)programming language: 1 year (Required)analytics: 1 year (Required)
Cpf final 4

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Web Analyst (M/F)
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