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Contenu de l'offre HCM Business Advisory Analyst chez Deutsche Bank

HCM Business Advisory Analyst

Job Description:

We are looking for a Senior HR Business Advisor : advising and supporting the organization on a wide range of HR matters such as talent and performance management, compensation and payroll.

Coaching and providing tools to line managers to build a positive, high engagement and high performing environment.

You will need to be proactive, able to perform a wide variety of tasks and be passionate about adding value to the team.
You will report to the Head of HR in Paris and work closely together with local business colleagues and the other HR in the region.

Consult collaboratively with business leaders on an ongoing basis to understand business strategy and skill gaps. Work closely to identify relevant learning, access the existing resources, prioritize the most impactful work and assist in delivering appropriate solutions.
Work closely with the HR team to provide an excellent HR support on the implementation and optimization of HR processes and guidelines and support the Business team in the daily communication and operational activities.
Be a trusted partner for your stakeholders by providing expert advice, guidance and coaching to team leaders in all aspects of HR;
Handle HR matters reliably and in accordance with legal requirements (e.g. disciplinary, organizational changes, employment legislation, internal documents, etc).
Driving the business performance in relation to the organization’s group objectives.
Partner with line managers to review employee relations, performance management, staff management and coordinate people management development initiatives.
Ensure all data computerized records is accurate and up to date and provide accurate and timely reports as and when required.
Undertake other various projects and tasks at the operational level as necessary
Ability to provide a support to the Payroll Manager (payroll and fiscal controls, social security charges controls, loans system and accounting)


Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Human Resources
5 to 10 years of experience with HR in a challenging and agile environment

Experience in bank environment or human-size organization preferably
Strong expertise on talent management, performance management, payroll Management.
Analytical and solution-oriented: capable of digging into detail and keeping the helicopter view at the same time
Experience and knowledge of French employment law
Able to work effectively with others in remote locations and collaboratively with local colleagues.  Can navigatea complex matrix organization
Fluent in French and English are a plus
Strong written and oral communication skills (both in English and French), including the ability to speak and write clearly, succinctly and persuasively for a variety of audiences

Ability to provide coaching and feedback
Excellent interpersonal (tact and diplomacy) and relationship-building skills including the ability to persuade others
Ability to apply organizational know-how and awareness, and analytical thinking in order to identify issues and make appropriate recommendations affecting the organization.

Attention to detail, specifically around legal notes, reports, letters and data entry
Excellent team player

Our values define the working environment we strive to create – diverse, supportive and welcoming of different views. We embrace a culture reflecting a variety of perspectives, insights and backgrounds to drive innovation. We build talented and diverse teams to drive business results and encourage our people to develop to their full potential. Talk to us about flexible work arrangements and other initiatives we offer.

We promote good working relationships and encourage high standards of conduct and work performance. We welcome applications from talented people from all cultures, countries, races, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, beliefs and generations and are committed to providing a working environment free from harassment, discrimination and retaliation.

Click here to find out more about our diversity and inclusion policy and initiatives.


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

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HCM Business Advisory Analyst
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