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Strategy Business & Partners Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Strategy Business & Partners Analyst chez Devoteam

Strategy Business & Partners Analyst

Description de l'entreprise

At Devoteam, we believe that technology with strong human values can actively drive change for the better.

As a pure player of Digital Transformation for leading organisations across EMEA, our 8,000 professionals are dedicated to ensuring our clients win their digital battles. With a unique transformation DNA, we connect business and technology.

Present in 18 countries in Europe and the Middle East, and drawing on 25 years of experience, we shape Technology for People, so it creates value for our clients, for our partners and for our employees.

As part of the new strategic plan ‘Infinite 2024’, Devoteam choses to develop five strategic partners at European level: Google, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Microsoft and AWS. 

In this context of strong growth, the Sales & Partners team is essential and at the core of Devoteam’s activity. Linked to the general management and in direct collaboration with the group’s entities, the team participates in the development of the strategy and its execution by implementing concrete internal actions and projects, reported to the different group governance instances (Steering Committee, Executive Committee)

Description du poste

The missions of the Strategy Business & Partners Analyst are based around three pillars: 

Analysis, consolidation and monitoring of the various indicators of the group's and/or Partner pillar’s performance:

These indicators can be weekly, monthly or quarterly and relate to the different branches of Devoteam's activity. They revolve around three fundamental axes: recruitment and attrition, training and certification, business and growth.

The success of this mission will depend on your ability to analyze a large amount of data by updating and creating various dashboards monitored by all the group's managers. The results of these analyzes as well as your recommendations will be presented to the various bodies of the group.

Management and piloting of projects for the group:

The Sales & Partners team is in charge of a number of strategic and operational projects related to the group's performance, its image and its transformation.

Few examples of projects:

Participating in the elaboration of the partners' annual business plan and its operational management; organizing with the Marketing team of Devoteam's presence at their events (Google Next, ServiceNow Knowledge...)

Animation and management of a commercial challenge focused on margin increases

Organization of a group challenge to improve sales and recruitment performance

Preparation of annual objectives of the group’s entities

Creation of a group integration process, based on learning and gamification, to support the entity integration

Creation of a unique training course for all the sales people of the group

Partnership animation and governance at EMEA level (Google, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Microsoft or AWS)

Management of Partner relations and associated governance 

Management of Devoteam’s internal group governance - Monthly Board, Quarterly Business Reviews 

Animation of Devoteam’s internal virtual communities - via Workplace by Facebook

On a daily basis, you will be in contact with entity managing directors located in 18 countries. The missions may lead to occasional trips to the group’s entities.


In order to join the team, you should have completed a higher education degree in business, engineering or equivalent schools. An internship or apprenticeship experience on similar functions will be appreciated, as well as a certain sensitivity to the digital world. Good analytical skills and strong rigor are essential to succeed in these functions.

English is mandatory and must be spoken and written fluently. French is appreciated. A third language may be a plus. 

You master Excel / Sheets and PowerPoint / Slides.
Finally, you are not afraid to work closely with high level managers from all functions.

Position to be filled immediately.

Le Groupe Devoteam oeuvre pour l'égalité des chances, pour la promotion de ses collaboratrices et de ses collaborateurs au mérite et lutte activement contre toute forme de discrimination. Nous sommes persuadés que la diversité contribue à la créativité, au dynamisme et à l'excellence de notre organisation. Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap


Type: Full-time

Function: Other

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Strategy Business & Partners Analyst
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