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Super User / Business Analyst - Accounting Finance

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Contenu de l'offre Super User / Business Analyst - Accounting Finance chez Devoteam

Super User / Business Analyst - Accounting Finance

Description de l'entreprise

Devoteam is a leading consulting firm focused on digital strategy, tech platforms and cybersecurity.

By combining creativity, tech and data insights, we empower our customers to transform their business and unlock the future.

With 25 years’ experience and 8,000 employees across Europe and the Middle East, Devoteam promotes responsible tech for people and works to create better change.

#Creative tech for Better Change

Description du poste

Devoteam launched a full Transformation of its operations and finances. The replacement of more than 20 local ERP by one ERP (Unit4)  for the group was started last year and reaching the test phase. As part of the program team and future competency center, you will be the business voice for finance, member of a team of super users on the group level.

Role & responsibilities

Within a project team of more than 30 people, your role consists of securing and challenging the:

design and implementation of the ERP 7/Agresso (PSA and finance part)

deployment of the solution in all the Group’s entities

Future run / BAU phase:

Act as a real business partner for Finance stream

Perform end user training and support

Root cause analysis, issue resolution, testing & change management

Support on regular SaaS new releases

Aside Unit4, you will act as business partner, potentially Project manager on related Finance projects (OCR, treasury system, etc...)


Background & experience:

10+ years experience
Accounting degree + IT experience and/or IT degree + strong Accounting experience
Strong knowledge of Finance accounting processes: R2R, P2P, O2C, T&E, FA. HR and PA would be a plus
Knowledge of ERP system (ideally Unit4/Agresso, e.g. Oracle eBS)
Able to produce high-quality presentations such as training material, documentation etc...
ITSM culture is a must
Fluent in English (mandatory), French would be an advantage

Personal skills:

Good team player, able to work in matrix organisations
Ability to adapt his/her speech with operations or key decision makers
Analytical thinking, problem solving for our end users
Curious, keen to learn and search for information from other areas
Rigourous, capable of delivering high quality deliverables


This position can be based in our headquarters in Paris or in any office of Devoteam Group and includes a significant part of travel between the different entities of the Group
Partial remote office is totally possible

The Devoteam Group works for equal opportunities, for the promotion of its employees on merit and actively fights against all forms of discrimination. We are convinced that diversity contributes to the creativity, dynamism and excellence of our organization. All our positions are open to people with disabilities.


Type: Full-time

Function: Information Technology

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Super User / Business Analyst - Accounting Finance
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