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Medical Data Program Manager - Paris X - F - M H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Medical Data Program Manager - Paris X - F - M H/F chez Doctolib

Doctolib recherche …
Doctolib is looking for a Medical Data Program Manager, to join our Medical Excellence team, and contribute to the delivery of medical initiatives with a direct public health impact.

You will BE the owner of the medical data strategy and delivery, for all Doctolib products, across all geographies (especially France and Germany). Reporting directly to the Chief Medical Officer, you will have the opportunity to present your conclusions and recommendations directly to Doctolib's Executive Committee.

Who we are

Founded in 2013, Doctolib is the fastest growing and leading technology healthcare company in Europe.

We aim at fulfilling three entrepreneurial missions :
- Improve the daily life of healthcare personnel.
- Improve patient access to healthcare and patient health.
- Build a team of entrepreneurs with humanistic values.

For healthcare professionals
We provide healthcare professionals with a full software suite of solutions to manage their appointments, their revenues, their patients and their medical practices.

For patients
We provide patients with a more transparent access to healthcare and a suite of online services to manage their health : from finding nearby healthcare professionals, to booking/managing appointments 24/7 online, having remote medical consultations via video and receiving a digital prescription in their online account.

Your mission

Your mission : Ensure that Medical Data is collected, structured & securely stored, in a way that IT can BE used to provide the right medical information at the right time and help healthcare professionals increase global patient health.

I) Define Doctolib Medical Data strategy :

- - Define how to structure our internal Clinical Data Model, balancing :.
- Speed and efficiency.
- Readiness for interoperability and future trends.
- Define our medical interoperability & codification strategy :.
- Map regulatory requirements for medical terminologies, data exchange and transfer.
- Decide which terminologies to use (ICD10, SNOMED CT, ICPC2, etc), for each medical entity (medical history, vitals, allergies, vaccin, etc), across all our products.
- Decide which standards to consider (e.g. FHIR, CDA, etc.), and which systems to connect to with our internal products.

- - Anticipate future use cases of medical data collection & structuration, linked to potential future strategies.

II) BE the owner of medical terminologies and datasets for Doctolib products :

- - Deliver Doctolib adjusted terminologies, when necessary to increase usage or market fit.
- Implement the tools to best manage terminologies.

III) Support internal teams on Medical Data projects, such as :
- Strategy teams on the scoping of new medical initiatives.
- Product & Tech teams on the delivery of medical data foundations.
- Data Science teams on data structuration capabilities.

IV) Build and share internal knowledge about medical data management with external shareholders
- Conduct market intelligence benchmarks & identify best practices.
- Participate to consortiums, meet-ups and events on medical data.

Your Profile

- You have at least 8 years of experience in data or interoperability projects (expert or project management).
- You have a strong interest in medical data. Having healthcare or medical experience is a plus, especially regarding medical terminologies.
- You are structured, and have a strong analytical mindset.
- You are very result/action-oriented and have strong project management skills.
- You are product & user centric.
- You have excellent communication skills, and you are ready to exchange with all kinds of internal teams.
- You are fluent in French and English. German is a plus.
- You recognize yourself in the values of Doctolib (Service, Care, Act, Learn, Enjoy, Structure).

Position details

Location : Position based in Levallois HQ (Paris)

Start date : As soon as possible
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Medical Data Program Manager - Paris X - F - M H/F
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