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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst Engineer chez DREEM

Paris (75)

Dreem has a unique relation to analytics. As a member of the Dreem analytics team, you’ll have the opportunity to work in close relation with nearly all other teams (Product, Marketing, Engineering, Science, Finance).

Dreem’s path and product are unique and to stay successful we rely heavily on data to guide both strategic and day-to-day decisions. Dreem and its users generate large quantities of very diverse data which needs careful and creative aggregation and analysis to provide these crucial insights. By joining our team you’ll be able to guide decisions, create and implement tools to make data accessible in the right place and the right time, all of it fighting one of the most challenging health issue of present times.

More than in most companies, we deal with a lot of diverse data, coming from multiple sources and which needs to be aggregated, aligned and distributed where it matters. As the first dedicated data-engineer at Dreem, you’ll have a unique opportunity to bring the existing ETL pipelines and our current data architecture to the next level. You’ll also play a key role in training the whole company on using data and even delivering insights yourself. To sum it up, we’re looking for someone that embodies completely our mission of diffusing data throughout the company.

Technical context

On the input side, we ingest physiological data from dreem headbands, detailed usage data from the headband, our companion apps and our websites, technical logs, questionnaires, user feedbacks and communication from customer service, data from logistics and growth for instance. We maintain a core postgreSQL data warehouse for all analytics purposes along with an Elasticsearch cluster for logs (with bridges between the two). On the output side, we serve data and analysis through cloud-hosted dashboards (Kibana and for non-specialists), notebook-based in-depth analysis and directly in countless third-party tools. Our ETL tools are mainly in python, but we also use some components in go and we use third-party ETL services. Our pipelines run on the latest stacks argo/kubernetes/docker and the ELK.

The Analytics team was created as we sold our very first headbands. Because Dreem is so new, closely understanding our users’ needs and usage has always been a strategic activity. Since its creation, the team has provided insights, tools and training to ensure everyone in the company can leverage data to improve his work.

In addition to “passive” analytics where one looks at normal activity, we also drive many “active” initiatives where we take a more experimentalist approach. Over the years we’ve setup several specialized systems to include our users in product development through large-scale remote tests or targeted feedback collection.


Manage and improve our data pipelines (ETL scripts/ data modelling) Play a key role in making data available and useful to all teams in the company by building dedicated tables / data-marts and providing training, mentoring and support. Lead the evolution of our data architecture for analytics Analyse data to provide insights directly


Software engineering background on data-intensive projects Proficient in python Knowledge of PostgreSQL Knowledge of docker Knowledge of Data architecture Good oral communication in English Willingness to train, share, exchange on data.


Previous experience as data engineer / backend developer / data analyst Knowledge of Django ORM Knowledge on elasticsearch / ELK stack Experience with kubernetes


You will work in startup environnement with a lot of challenge and innovation: no time to boredom, You will have the opportunity to create your own career: fast progression and job switch possible! You will share and learn everyday with world class talents who are experts in their field and passionate about their daily work : let’s participate to our DreemCon (internal technical events), You will kept informed of all progress of the company with weekly and monthly meeting led by the co-founders, You will work in great office in central place and you will collaborate with our teams all over the world (Paris, NYC, Taipei) You will have fun! Thanks to our Happiness Officer who’s organize a lot of events to keep a good atmosphere (breakfast, monthly party, teambuilding,...), You will be invited to the annual summit : last time we went to Marrakech for an amazing summer trip together You will be lucky to have the Dreem Headband whenever you want.

Bonus: Fitness room, good health cover “Alan”, Gymlib pass, qualitative corporate restaurant “Lecointre Paris”, nap rooms, BSCPE…

Our culture is reflected with a stellar Glassdoor rating :

Cpf final 4

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