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Growth Acquisition & Data Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Growth Acquisition & Data Manager chez DREEM

The Dreem Story

In 2014, two engineering students from the École Polytechnique made a discovery. Non-invasive brain stimulations, triggered at specific moments, can enhance the quality of deep sleep. With sleep being one of the biggest healthcare and societal issue of modern times, and sleep problems being poorly covered by existing solutions, they decided to start Dreem. Their mission? Solve the global sleep crisis by developing the first ever reference solution to bad sleep. A solution that is non-invasive, efficient and complete enough to cover every case. Dreem also has a scientific and technical goal- understanding sleep and the brain, in order to develop solutions that can significantly and positively improve our health, well-being and performances.

In the 4.5 years since its foundation, Dreem has filed 25 patents, developed 3 full iterations of the product, hired an international team of 80 experts, developed a research network of 25 laboratories and hospitals, helped thousands of people across the world to solve their sleep issues, and has collected the largest EEG repository in the history, by collecting more than 600,000 nights of data. Along the way, Dreem has raised more than $60M from Laurent Alexandre, Xavier Niel, MAIF, BPI and Johnson & Johnson - the world’s healthcare leader. Dreem has also hired 4 of the most renowned neuroscientists and sleep experts in the world, to support our scientific quest - Emmanuel Mignot (Director of Stanford Sleep Center), Christof Koch (CSO of the Allen Institute for Brain Science), Raphael Heinzer (Director of the CIRS of Lausanne) and Russell Foster (Director of the SCNI of Oxford).

Think of working at Dreem like embarking on a journey with a crew of adventurers. We are sleep pioneers, a team of experts fascinated by science, technology and design. But most importantly we are obsessed by our product and by helping our users. Our fields of expertise encompass sleep research, mechanical engineering, machine learning, electronic design, embedded systems and calculations, testing, ergonomics, development of proprietary applications and software, design, marketing and much more.

We’re interested in how neurotechnology and sleep science can positively impact people’s lives, right now. No matter how much other technologies improve our lives while we’re awake, if we continue to sleep poorly, there will always be a barrier to true health, happiness and performance. That’s why sleep is our sole focus for the next five years.

Everything we do will always be driven by people: us, and the people we help. That’s how we’ll succeed: With a shared history, shared values and one shared goal. The goal? Within five years, we’ll have created a sleep solution that is more effective than anything else on the market. One that can help in 100% of cases of bad sleep. One that becomes the global reference point for sleep solutions. One that will have solve 500 000 cased of bad sleep worldwide.

About the role

Thanks to our continued successful growth, we’re currently recruiting a Growth Acquisition & Data Manager to join our Growth Team and report to the Head of Growth.

Their main responsibilities will be managing and measuring paid channels. It will be important to see which channels work and which don’t, monitor all Growth data and deliver further insights readily available for the Growth team.

If you are a self-starter with a can-do and get-it-done attitude, this is the right role for you!

Key responsibilities

Managing and optimizing current paid campaigns (Facebook ads & Google ads) Understanding the needs of target customers and articulating value as part of the development of new acquisitions tactics with the entire Growth Team. Performing in-depth data analysis on all acquisition to ensure: Measurement of campaigns/ channels work and which don’t An overall view and monitoring of current campaigns. Identification and flagging of relevant insights in order to optimize sales performance A clear view of sales performance per channel and all the relevant metrics. Proactively seeking out opportunities to improve and optimize the standard processes described above with an eye to improving sales performance. Spotting opportunities and implementing new acquisition tactics for automated monitoring (and working with growth team to get this automation implemented). Participating in the creation/ optimization of growth strategy A/B testing in order to optimize the overall conversion of the website

The above list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and a willingness to ‘go above and beyond’ for individuals is essential.


Business or engineering school or Mathematics / Data analytics formation At least 2 years of experience in a Growth, or Data job A/B testing tool(s), strong experience with Facebook Ads and Google Adwords. Experience with analyzing data Strong experience with Google Analytics Know well how to get relevant insights from data Knowledge on Growth Hacking and acquisition. Fluent English.

Nice to have:

Previous experience in a similar role with a proven track record in online acquisition / growth hacking preferably in a Tech B2C set up. Storing and analyze data (proficiency with SQL, knowledge of big data) or hands on Python or JS
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Growth Acquisition & Data Manager
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