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Junior Technical Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Junior Technical Talent Acquisition Manager chez Drivy

We believe in a world where all cars are shared. Carsharing empowers people to get going in a smarter, easier way, while also having a positive impact on the environment and making cities more liveable. It’s this vision that propels us forward and inspires us to think even bigger.
Since April 2019, Drivy is now part of Getaround. Together, we’re the world's leading carsharing platform with a community of more than 5 million users sharing over 11,000 connected cars across 7 countries.

Your Mission:
Your job consists of getting world-class profiles on board, by building a pipeline of exceptional candidates
What you'll work on:
Source talent : Interact with potential technical candidates (mainly developers, data scientists, product managers) on social media and professional networks (e.g. LinkedIn, Slack, Github....) You’ll post and advertise job offers, push for internal referrals, participate in recruiting events, mine social networks and any other creative methods you can conceive of to attract qualified individuals. You’ll gradually work with the different hiring managers and challenge what they think on their recruitment needs. You’ll need to learn and understand the details of the different positions and propose some requirements yourself. Maintain the Candidate Database in our ATS (we use Lever) to keep a healthy pool of qualified applicants
NB: administrative part of HR (like contracting, payroll) is not part of your role
Who you'll work with:
The scope of the position is global - you'll be working from the Paris head office for all countries where Drivy wants to be present You’ll be reporting to Jordan, our Technical Talent Acquisition Manager
What you'll bring to the table:
Fluent in English and French At least a first Hands-on experience with sourcing techniques (e.g. recruiting on social platforms and crafting Boolean search strings) Solid verbal and written communication skills Ability to positively present our company and open roles to potential candidates Effective time-management abilities A strong interest for startups and fast-paced environments
Nice to have:
Experience sourcing/recruiting Tech / Data or Product profiles You already have experience working in an international environment
What we offer:
Drivy is a fast-growing startup located in the centre of Paris, with regional offices in Berlin, Barcelona, and London. We offer one of the most dynamic and diverse company cultures in town, and give every employee the opportunity to grow and the power to define their impact at Drivy. Our team is collaborative, positive, curious, and engaged. We think fast, work smart, laugh often, and are looking for like-minded people to join us in our mission to disrupt car ownership and make cities better.
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Junior Technical Talent Acquisition Manager
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