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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst (w/m) chez Edenred

Edenred is a leading digital platform for services and payments and the everyday companion for people at work, connecting over 50 million users and 2 million partner merchants in 46 countries via roughly 900,000 corporate clients.

Edenred offers specific-purpose payment solutions for food (such as meal benefits), incentives(such as gift cards, employee engagement platforms), mobility (such as multi-energy, maintenance, toll, parking and commuter solutions) and corporate payments (such as virtual cards).

True to the Group’s purpose, “Enrich connections. For good.”, these solutions enhance users’ well-being and purchasing power. They improve companies’ attractiveness and efficiency, and vitalize the employment market and the local economy. They also foster access to healthier food, more environmentally friendly products and softer mobility.

Edenred’s 10,000 employees are committed to making the world of work a connected ecosystem that is safer, more efficient and more responsible every day.

In 2021, thanks to its global technology assets, the Group managed close to €30 billion in business volume, primarily carried out via mobile applications, online platforms and cards.

Edenred is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and included in the following indices: CACNext 20, CAC Large 60, Euronext 100, FTSE4Good and MSCI Europe.

You will vibe with us

For a very ambitious agile-at-scale program (Feature Teams organization) leveraging state-of-the-art ways of working & technologies that carries major business stakes, we are looking for a Data Analyst that will lead the data topics within a feature team and promote a Data culture cross disciplines.

As Data Analyst, you will:

Work closely with the business process owner, product owners and developesr to create and capture data that is aligned with the business logic and allows modelling and analysis.

Develop data tracking and collection concepts in order to ensure a high-quality analysis and evaluation

Handle data quality definition and KPIs monitoring for the team

Be involved throughout the complete product lifecycle in order to guarantee a data-driven process

Support of our data driven product development through analysis of transactional, in-app, and external data

Contribute to data product design and build

We love working with each other because we have built a culture that suits us well:
Happy: Where there is a will, there is a way. Having a positive disposition allows us to achieve great things and to support each other. Helpful: Always looking for ways that you can help others. Curious: It is essential that you have a passion for learning. Technology changes daily, and life has a way of constantly raising the bar.

We will vibe with you

You could be our next teammate if :

You have minimum 3 years of experience in a Business Analyst role with a passion for data

You are a good “ Data Storyteller ” acquired in a business role. You are comfortable in manipulating data. An experience with agile projects and lean thinking initiatives will be a differentiator

You have good awareness of Data privacy & security regulations. An experience in leveraging external data providers and a knowledge of SQL and databases will be a plus

Good verbal and written communication skills. Fluency in both oral and written English (international team)

Apply now and Vibe with Us!

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