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Contenu de l'offre Project Business Analyst chez Emovis



This is a replacement role, to complete the current EUROPEAN PMO structure. It is created to manage and run tolling projects which are currently in the planning stages as well as delivery in Europe and America. This role will work to deliver the projects awarded in the coming few months, as well as already existing projects around the world (design, implementation, and delivery).

The Project Business Analyst provides business process modelling and specification/design services for the internal project implementation team and as definition of works for emovis back-office solution provider. Within the software development lifecycle, he/she serves as the mediator between the end-customers and the back office engineering team, bringing structure and formalization of requirements into the process, by the production of quality detailed functional and technical specifications, and ensure compliance of the produced solution during testing stages.


Define business requirements and facilitate requirements gathering sessions,Convert requirements into functional and technical specifications,Create and maintain requirements traceability matrix (RTM),Conduct and lead client meetings to determine software configuration elements,Recommend appropriate business solutions to clients to ensure a high level of satisfaction with emovis’ products and services,Create high-level data and process models of business processes: requirements, activities, workflow, and the display of system behaviour,Create functional design documents, process flow charts, and report specifications,Participate in issues resolution, requirements management, analysis and design, testing, and transition of applications into the production environment,Follow-up on test activities, including participation in customer UAT testing of our products and service deliverables,Serve as a liaison between the Project Director or Manager and the end customer during various phases of the project and for his/her area of knowledge/expertise,Recommend enhancements to the solutions that will support optimization of customer operations,Build and maintain working relationships with clients, employees, consultants, vendors, and other team members.


Master’s level (Bac+5) in computer sciences, information systems or equivalent professional experience


5 years’ experience in a similar role (in project requirements management, specification definition, management of deliverables for mission critical back-office implementation project)Tolling project experience desiredMust be fluent in English, Spanish is an advantage/desired – French is an upsideKnowledge of and experience in the following areas is preferred:Government and /or public agency customer experienceComputer system integration including software developmentElectronic Tolling or other areas of Intelligent Transportation Systems


Key Competencies:

Analyze project scope and technical documentation,Gathering business requirements,Operation and business-oriented specifications,Technical interfaces analysis,Testing strategy and test definition,Issues and bug tracking, correction management,MS Office Suite, MS Visio, JIRA and ConfluenceVerbally articulate, precise in communicating, a careful, precise written communicatorOrganized, able to create systems to track long issue lists, and manage multiple prioritiesDemonstrate a personal willingness to learn, naturally confident to be challenged, focus his/her mind with a result orientation attitude, problem solving and conflict resolution orientationGood customer contact capacities, able to work in autonomy while always reporting to project and line managementEasy to work with, opened to others, able to adapt to different cultures and usages. Willing to progress, develop his/her skills and the company’s productsStrong communicator, comfortable with dealing with the client (verbally, email, and presentations)autonomous professional who has a ‘get the job done’ attitude.Ability to reach out and find resources to solve problems (set expectations amongst peer groups)Work well under pressure (this role will hit the ground running) with a sense of urgency

Job Type: Full-time

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Project Business Analyst
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