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HR & Talent Acquisition Manager @ InstaDeep

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Contenu de l'offre HR & Talent Acquisition Manager @ InstaDeep chez Endeavor

Paris (75) About the company: InstaDeep Ltd is a leading company that develops cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions for major global and local clients in Europe and Africa. We focus on developing enterprise software solutions that solve existing problems across a range of industries using advanced machine learning, deep learning and deep reinforcement learning. Our expertise spans across research, development, visualization, and design, allowing the whole end-to-end solution to be developed in-house across our teams in London, Paris, Lagos, Nairobi and Tunis.
Our proactive approach to research, combined with a broad spectrum of clients, ensures a challenging and motivating environment to work and thrive in. In our mission to stay ahead of the curve, we are proud to partner with organisations such as Google DeepMind, Nvidia and Intel, and world-class universities including Oxford University.
About the role: InstaDeep is looking for a HR & Talent Acquisition Manager to join our expanding team in Paris, France. In this role at InstaDeep, you will report to the Chief Financial Officer and will work closely with all business teams and senior executives. Your job is to create and develop HR function in a fast-growing group, partnering with our management team. Focus will be primarily given to recruitment and integration of new collaborators as well as management capabilities strengthening of current middle managers. Through this role, you will also lead and ensure the implementation HR basic processes as well as contribute to build the HR culture of a young company.
Your position will progressively evolve along with company growth to cover all HR functions aspects.
Strategy & Organization of the HR department: Develop the HR strategy of the company along with top managemen. Supervise and manage the workload of the HR correspondents (London, Paris and Tunis) and the smooth running of HR processes under its responsibility. Recruitment & On-boarding: Actively cooperate with the Managers to manage the Talent Acquisition (up to the end of the trial period) for all population (including Senior Group staff), and ensure optimal follow-up and integration of new entrants. Administration & Payroll: Ensure and control all the elements of payroll for UK, France, Tunisia, Nigeria and potential new offices, the good record keeping of HR documents, and all other elements, the timely provision of payroll (variable data collection, entry and exit management, verification, validation, salary payments from finance department). Ensure and follow-up the social contributions declarations and payment. Build and complete documents, processes and dashboards necessary for the proper monitoring of personnel. Legal Compliance & Employee Relations: Ensure constant regulatory watch on HR-related legal matters and continuous compliance of HR processes in collaboration with the CFO. Compensation & Benefits: Build and follow-up a comp&ben grid to pilot total payroll. Actively participate to the bonus and pay rise overviews in collaboration with CFO. Mobility: Supervise the international mobility of employees in the daily, administrative or technical aspects. Relations with Managers and Employees: Address requests from staff in all areas of HR (labor law, recruitment, career management, compensation, bonuses, etc.) and by referring, if necessary, to other HR contacts where applicable. Assist the management in their HR decisions (recruitment, dismissal, evaluation interview, promotion, conflict, etc.), helping them to integrate the HR variable into their decisions. Training & Careers: build, implement and manage the training plan and career development of the staff. Accompany mobility and promotions. Ensure the respect of budget compliance Internal Communication: closely work with Internal Communication department to contribute to the constant improvement of InstaDeep Employer brand. Requirements:
Proven work experience as HR manager or other HR executive ( > 5-7 years), including demonstrated talent acquisition capabilities Proven work experience in an international environment / group, preferably with African countries Excellent active listening, negotiation and presentation skills Competence to build and effectively manage interpersonal relationships at all levels of the company In-depth knowledge of labor laws and HR best practices. Ability to analyse, interpret and explain the legal framework regulating employment Leadership and management skills Ability to interface with internal and external senior executives Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and French. Arabic would be a plus. Preferred:
Business awareness (Artificial Intelligence / Tech) Experience on HR for technical profiles (Research Engineer, Data Scientist, Software Engineer, etc.) Benefits:
Competitive salary Working in small, diverse teams where you can make an impact Varied challenges across industries Cooperation across European and African offices Annual offsite events
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HR & Talent Acquisition Manager @ InstaDeep
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