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Contenu de l'offre IT Business Analyst - F/M chez ESSP

Toulouse (31) CDD

ESSP, a private company with 7 major European Air Navigation Service Providers as shareholders, manages the operation and supports the adoption of the European Satellite Based Augmentation System to GPS: EGNOS.

ESSP Corporate Video:

The adoption of this service is rapidly growing given it allows correcting the GPS signal and offers enhanced features with accurate positioning and integrity within safety-of-life services context such as public transportation.

ESSP Website:

ESSP recruits a:


The IT Business Analyst is in charge of the user needs analysis and modeling in order to propose the best adapted solutions. He/She ensures the Information System consistency with the guidelines, the operating modes and the processes defined at different business lines level of the company.

He/She aims at improving performance, to contribute to operations and to participate in the management and evolution of the Information System.

Is responsible for:

One or more functional processes in terms of analysis; The analysis and user needs modeling of different business lines; The evaluation of projects operational feasibility, and their possible prototyping; The Information System improvement opportunity identification The definition of functional specifications (and technical if necessary); Meeting constraints and requirements regarding operations of implemented solutions; The implementation and qualification of the defined solutions; Data analysis for decision support on developments and / or corrections to be done; The Data Warehouse’s consistency and data integrity; Providing and maintaining the documentation within its activity scope (specifications dossier, test plan...);


Generic Skills:

High level of English (B1-B2) – CECRL Initiative, adaptability Analytical mind, rigorous and organized Communication skills, ability to teamwork Problem-solving skills Listening and pedagogical skills to assist users

Specific Skills:

Strong knowledge of information systems Good global overview of application and/or software solutions (ERP, etc…) Very good knowledge in database (SQL, NoSQL…), Data Warehouse, ETL Experienced in modelling techniques and project management methodology Knowledge of ITIL referential

Job Requirements:

Available for occasional travels, especially in Europe

Subject to the constraints of minimum presence during normal holiday periods (July/August, Christmas, February, Easter).

May be subject to occasional work on non-business hours and week-end according to ESSP procedures in force.

Engineering degree or equivalent

3+ years’ experience in information technology driven role

Experience in development and deployment of IT solutions

Experience in data integration issues

Strong knowledge of business processes in Finance, HR…

Type of Contract: Full time/ Temporary Contract (18 months)

ESSP is committed to cultural diversity, gender equality and the employment of disabled workers.

Job Type: Contract


information technology driven role: 3 years (Preferred)
Cpf final 4

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IT Business Analyst - F/M
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