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World Agency - Digital transformation business analyst

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Contenu de l'offre World Agency - Digital transformation business analyst chez Euler Hermes Group

Paris (75) 'Reporting to the Head of Operations & Organization, he/she actively contributes to our company’s transformation strategy.

Support digital transformation for our staff and customers by emerging, driving and monitoring EH World Agency Digital Initiatives as for examples digital apps, robotics, Agile organization.

1. Support digitalization projects lead at EHWA
Support key initiatives to raise efficiency level, enhance our productivity by leveraging on new technologies (incl.Robotics, APIs, Mendix and other platforms, etc.) and new project methodologies (incl. Agile, Lean Startup, Design Thinking, etc.) Contribute to the documentation of digital transformation projects and ensure high level of global communication within EH (blog post, email, event, etc.) about the projects done at EH WA With the support of the digital transformation manager, drive and monitor the digital initiatives, define priorities and objectives, validate development steps and define tests and rollout’s plan 2. Evaluate opportunities and build the digitalization roadmap
Support growth in working closely with our innovation product developers and turning new product ideas into actual projects including : requirement formalization, opportunity analysis, challenging development team for cost estimation and planning Work closely with internal stakeholders (Digital Agency, Innovation departments, etc.) and external vendors in order to deliver such targets (described above) and manage the digital initiatives' relating budgets. 3. Develop a Digital culture at EHWA
Communicate about change, promote digital culture through multiples channels Ensure the people impacts (incl. mindset) are well understood and tackled to enable the successful and sustainable delivery of the digital transformation Future challenge : Digital transformation

Projects successfully delivered on time, budget and functional scope agreed with sponsor "EH internal clients" satisfaction. Quality and number of project opportunity identified IT project experience Digital stong appetite Project management skills/ track record of delivering multiple small projects, ideally in Agile Change management skills Communication skills / english, both verbal and written while being able to promote, challenge and convince at operational and middle management level, Conflict resolution skills Flexibility Multi projects management Diplomatic approach to project internal and external stakeholders Euler Hermes, the world’s leading provider of credit insurance services, helps its customers around the globe to trade wisely and develop their business safely. With 6,000 employees from more than 70 nationalities, in over 50 countries, Euler Hermes offers a complete range of services for the management of B-to-B trade receivables.

Euler Hermes has developed a credit intelligence network to analyze the financial stability of 40+ million businesses across the globe. Euler Hermes, a company of Allianz, is rated AA by Standard & Poor’s.

At Euler Hermes, we are committed to support our employees in every step of their professional journey, provide tailor-made development programs and open gateways to international opportunities. We encourage them to take ownership and accountability, and to dare to make a difference!

For more information visit

In order to commit and pool its expertise in local markets around the world in order to offer Multinational clients integrated solutions to protect their trade credit receivables, Euler Hermes group has created a dedicated insurance and related services intermediary : Euler Hermes World Agency which benefits from Euler Hermes worldwide presence and expertise.

As its global corporate strategy, Euler Hermes wants to do more than proposing simple credit insurance. Euler Hermes aims to create a “Businessable World”, one in which companies are able to trade and develop securely both domestically and internationally, with protected cash flow.
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World Agency - Digital transformation business analyst
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