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Contenu de l'offre eCommerce Business Analyst chez Eurofins

Job Description


EOL (Eurofins OnLine) is a web-based application, allowing customers to electronically manage their data and communicate with their Eurofins laboratories. It helps Eurofins to cut lab costs, be more focused on customers and deliver high quality services.

It covers, online, the following needs:

Order registration (book samples and related tests)Show results (collect test results & certificates)Get high value reporting (provide customised key performance indicators, thanks to Eurofins expertise)Administer customer accounts

To support Eurofins high growth rate and the ever growing reliance of the business on electronic interfaces with customers, EOL is undergoing significant changes to embrace Mobile and B2B through the eCommerce program.


Gather business requirements & deliver high-quality requirements documentationSupport international business stakeholders in their involvement in Eurofins OnLine (EOL) application Contribute to improving analysis methodologies and processes


1. Business Analysis (requirements gathering and solution definition)

Manage business requirements gathering on the scope under responsibility (each individual scope may vary over time)

§ Work with business stakeholders to elicit their needs;

§ Structure and document the business needs;

§ Work with the solution architects and development stakeholders to define and deliver a software solution aligned with business needs and conform to EOL solution development necessities;

§ Document functional specifications;

§ Provide relevant and high-quality test scenarios;

§ Review the developed solution and assist the customer during acceptance;

§ Support the development team with functional issues and with the solutions to be implemented;

§ Own and manage his product/sprint backlogs.

Contribute to the EOL product backlog management and roadmap elaboration. Based on strong and sustained relationships with business stakeholders, contribute in conceptual debt remediation, participating in the team global effort to implement object-oriented analysis using UML language. Contribute to improving business requirements gathering and analysis processes. Contribute to improving EOL collaborative information platform, in content as well in structure.

2. Provide expertise and level 3 support to:

EOL Level 2 Support Team (in India); EOL Business representatives (Website Owners); Deployment Managers.

3. Contribute to business readiness:

Training of EOL Business representatives (Website Owners); Identify and document country specific for a new deployment . Qualifications

Diploma : engineering school or university (technics) (5 years diploma required) Result-oriented with strong analytical skills and a proven approach to problem solving; Excellent communication skills, good listener; Well organized; Concern for user satisfaction; Professional integrity and ethics; Ability to integrate and adapt quickly; Experience with project management methodology and tools; 3 to 5 years of relevant experience functional analysis (BA), AMOA by a “final client” or AMOA consultant; Oral and written fluency in English and French; any other European language knowledge is welcome. Any experience in international deployment of systems is an advantage.
Additional Information

What we offer:

Challenges within a multi-cultural and cross-regional team as part of the international and fast growing Eurofins organisation;A dynamic working environment with a good team spirit where personal development and growth are encouraged;An attractive salary package with extra-legal benefits.
Cpf final 4

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eCommerce Business Analyst
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