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Contenu de l'offre IT Business Analyst F/H chez EUROFINS GSC Nantes

Nantes (44) Eurofins is developing eLIMS-NG project (Eurofins Laboratory Information Management System, the Next Generation), a comprehensive and integrated suite of tools and applications to support testing business in our laboratories worldwide.

Act as a functional expert to collect, challenge and agree on business requirements

Translate business requirements into user requirements and give detailed judgement on business complexity to promote simplification

Be responsible for the communication and cooperation between business and IT-departments

Develop working relationships within the wider Eurofins IT community and with selected Eurofins user groups

Write and maintain best practice documentation and train key users

Ensure level 1 and 2 support during transition life cycle (deployment) and level 3 support during operational life cycle

Audit and review use of the new systems to ensure implementation of best practices processes

Model the requirements into user stories (work items for Development team) with the appropriate set of artefacts

For business requirements that span multiple Eurofins applications, support the Project Manager to evaluate impact of requested change and break down business requirements into well-defined user requirements


Affinity to and good understanding of IT-systems

Experience in service orientated software architecture

Experience in analyzing, describing and challenging processes and workflows

Science based university degree or similar educational background

Fluent in French, very good English language skills spelling/writing

Efficient time management and high quality attitude

Very good team and communication skills

High willingness to travel

Preferable: experience in laboratory automation and or reporting technology

Optional : experience in agile development methods (Scrum)

Optional: experience in User Interface Design and knowledge of BPMN and UML

Additional Information

In a fast growing group, successful leaders are frequently being offered increased areas of responsibility (subject to geographic mobility).
Profil recherché Eurofins is developing eLIMS-NG project (Eurofins Laboratory Information Management System, the Next Generation), a comprehensive and integrated suite of tools and applications to support testing business in our laboratories worldwide.

Act as a functional expert to collect, challenge and agree on business requirements

Translate business requirements into user requirements and give detailed judgement on business complexity to promote simplification

Be responsible for the communication and cooperation between business and IT-departments

Develop working relationships within the wider Eurofins IT community and with selected Eurofins user groups

Write and maintain best practice documentation and train key users

Ensure level 1 and 2 support during transition life cycle (deployment) and level 3 support during operational life cycle

Audit and review use of the new systems to ensure implementation of best practices processes

Model the requirements into user stories (work items for Development team) with the appropriate set of artefacts

For business requirements that span multiple Eurofins applications, support the Project Manager to evaluate impact of requested change and break down business requirements into well-defined user requirements


Affinity to and good understanding of IT-systems

Experience in service orientated software architecture

Experience in analyzing, describing and challenging processes and workflows

Science based university degree or similar educational background

Fluent in French, very good English language skills spelling/writing

Efficient time management and high quality attitude

Very good team and communication skills

High willingness to travel

Preferable: experience in laboratory automation and or reporting technology

Optional : experience in agile development methods (Scrum)

Optional: experience in User Interface Design and knowledge of BPMN and UML

Additional Information

In a fast growing group, successful leaders are frequently being offered increased areas of responsibility (subject to geographic mobility).
Entreprise Eurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company which provides a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries. The Group believes it is the world leader in food, environment and pharmaceutical products testing and in agroscience CRO services. It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomics, discovery pharmacology, forensics, advanced material sciences and for supporting clinical studies. In addition, Eurofins is one of the key emerging players in specialty clinical diagnostic testing in Europe and the USA.

Group's key figures are approx. 3.8 billion Euros turnover, over 800 laboratories across 47 countries and about 45,000 staff.
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IT Business Analyst F/H
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