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Contenu de l'offre US Traffic Manager chez Evaneos

Paris (75)


Founded by travel enthusiasts in 2009, Evaneos is the market leader in connecting travellers directly with local travel agents across the planet. By cutting out the intermediary, travellers are given the freedom to create tailor-made trips while benefiting from the local expertise of a professional based in the destination itself.

In 10 years, Evaneos has built up a network of 1,300 hand-picked local partners in more than 160 destinations, and has already helped more than 300,000 travellers set off on the trip of their dreams.

We’re connecting travellers with local travel agencies in order to fulfil our mission which is to: Free people’s curiosity for the unknown.

Job Description

Evaneos is looking for an experienced US Traffic Manager to join its Anglophone Marketing Team (US, CA & UK) in Paris. Reporting directly to the US Marketing Manager, the US Traffic Manager will be in charge of all paid channels for the US market - SEA (Google, Bing), DRAP, and Paid Social.

If you’re data-driven and have a solid track record in managing, optimizing, and growing paid digital marketing channels, this is your chance to shine in an exciting and fast-paced start-up that’s moving into the North American market!

Main Tasks

While excellent teamwork skills are a key component of any job at Evaneos, as US Traffic Manager, you’ll also be required to be completely autonomous on paid acquisition channels for the EN-Speaking market, working alongside the Marketing Manager to** fix and reach objectives** and produce detailed weekly reports.

SEA: Management and ownership of our Google & Bing Ads accounts, including optimization of current campaigns and creation of new ones. *Paid Social: *Management and ownership of our Facebook & Instagram Ads Accounts, including optimization of current campaigns and creation of new ones. DRAP: Management and ownership of Display, Retargeting, Affiliation & Partnerships channels, including optimization of current campaigns/ partnerships and identifying and negotiating with new ones. Monitoring Request Numbers: Working alongside our US Sales Team to monitor and adjust, if necessary, bi-monthly request numbers (transactions) from paid acquisition. Monitoring CPC: Continuously working to drive CPC down while ensuring that spending and transactions are in line with our weekly acquisition budget/objectives.

Preferred Experience

Minimum of 2 years’ experience in Traffic Management, with excellent knowledge of the most important KPIs in this field. Strong expertise in SEA, able to set and reach ambitious objectives in this field. Strong expertise in Paid Social & DRAP channels, able to set and reach ambitious objectives in this field. Taste for numbers and analysis. Autonomous, organized, good management of priorities. Very operational, able to take initiative. Excellent relationship and negotiation skills. Native English speaker with French language skills preferred.

Recruitment Process

Please send a CV and cover letter to outlining what you think you can bring to our team and why you’re interested in this role.

Additional Information

Contract Type: Full-Time Location: Paris, France (75009) Education Level: Bachelor's Degree Experience: > 2 years

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