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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager chez Forest Admin

75009 Paris 9e About

Forest has been designed to help developers save time and provide business teams with a scalable tool tailored to their operations. At Forest Admin, we’ve developed an “admin panel framework” allowing any web-based projects to skip all the design, development and maintenance of their app’s back office.

Technically speaking, Forest Admin creates an admin API hosted by the client and deploys a cloud-based related admin panel UI. To build such a tool we re-thought the typical SaaS architecture in order not to require access to the client’s data, thereby introducing a new paradigm in the SaaS world!

We’re currently onboarding more and more fast-growing companies (ex. Qonto, Heetch, Shadow…) at an incredible pace and we want to keep accelerating our expansion. All apps (web, mobile, etc.) require an admin panel, which means we can impact virtually … all web powered businesses!

To succeed we are looking for an exceptionally strong profile to lead our Talent Acquisition efforts and participate and allow us to achieve widespread adoption of our “admin panel framework” by developer teams accross industries and geographies.

Job Description

About the Role * The Talent Acquisition Manager - Paris will work under the direction of the CFO and work hand-in-hand with the Heads of our Engineering, Product and Business teams. You will own and run all recruitment at Forest Admin, predominently engineering roles, but not exclusively. This role has a heavy recruitment focus but also requires the successful candidate to act as a brand ambassador and increase our visibility in the talent market by promoting our culture, our values and our work environment.

** Your responsibilities **

Work with the heads of the different teams to anticipate our growth, define which roles to hire for and achieve hiring targets Find, assess and hire the best candidates for each role, using a mix of direct contact, agency and platform based approaches Contribute to Forest Admin's reputation in the market as a great employer for tech and tech-minded talent Identify, assess and test innovative hiring strategies Preferred Experience

Prior recruiting experience is strongly desired Ability to pitch Forest Admin (its product, ambition, values and team)! An understanding of technical roles and willingness to work in a tech environment Strong communication skills in both French and English Familiarity with mainstream hiring tools (welcometothejungle, linkedin,, etc.) is a plus Organized, driven and positive personnality Additional Information
Contract Type: Full-Time
Start Date: 01 December 2019
Location: Paris, France (75009)
Education Level: Master's Degree
Experience: > 1 year
Cpf final 4

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