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(Associate) Business Analyst H/F

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Contenu de l'offre (Associate) Business Analyst H/F chez FORUM TALENTS HANDICAP


The Business Analyst will assist the Directorate General Office (DGO) in the area related to IT, business analysis, reporting, project coordination, to contribute to the development and the implementation of budget and dashboards to track KPIs, metrics, and other key data points relevant for Managers to monitor the budget and positions ceiling within the limits and according to internal procedures. The dashboard and reporting tools will simplify complex data sets to provide users with at a glance awareness of current performance.

Operating Network

The successful candidate will report to the Head of Directorate General Office (DGO) and will work in close cooperation with all RM colleagues, as well as with IT, other Directorates to support the DGO's activities.

The post requires discretion, flexibility and the ability to prioritise and handle several tasks simultaneously, often working with tight deadlines.


The Business Analyst will work both independently and as part of a team, seeking guidance on sensitive and complex issues from the Head of DGO. The span of accountabilities will include

Manage projects and administer project cycles (e.g. Project Evaluation Forms, projects execution, timely follow-up of IT projects implementation related to HC and Budget metrics, testing, communication).
Execute business analysis tasks: draft business cases, analyse business requirements, translate them into functional requirements, assist in their translation into technical specifications.
Design and implement operational reporting and statistics, maintaining and developing them according to evolving needs.
Provide IT assistance and ensure assistance/maintenance/development from central IT, from other services and/or from external providers, if applicable), covering systems used by RM (BO, Time and Labor, PSFT HCM, PSFT Financials).
Organise testing and feedback of new releases in of HC and Budget related systems such as PSFT Financials and HCM on behalf of RM and follow-up on IT project implementation as appropriate.
Draft and communicate functional and procedural documentation and user manuals.
Participate in Bank-wide initiatives or projects and inter-Directorate working groups, in close cooperation with RM departments, and propose improvements as appropriate.
Make recommendations to simplify business processes and to implement the related changes. Seek consensus between Directorates on the alignment of business processes.
Participate in inter-service working groups to help the Head of Unit develop complex reporting requested for decision-making and support knowledge-management and knowledge transfer (as appropriate. It will be required to plan (with close interactions with IT and Budget Officers), design (based on Directorates’ needs), implement (according to IT procedures) and maintain reporting tools under the supervision of the Head of Unit.
Ensure training of junior colleagues to new implemented reporting tools.
Support RM in related internal audits (IFC, AAPs, etc.)
Ensure business continuity as appropriate


University degree related to the assigned business area, preferably in IT engineering, mathematic, business administration and/or finance.
Minimum 3 years of relevant professional experience in particular in the coordination, design, development and maintenance of Budget Reporting tools.
Proven experience in project management, functional analysis (in particular in IT and budget domains) and reporting : analysing and defining IT requirements, drafting business cases and functional specifications, running IT projects, implementing and testing applications respecting deadlines, using/writing queries and reports
Excellent knowledge of Macros and Excel and proven experience with VBA
Proven experience in the design and implementation of dashboards and Key Performance Indicators
Good knowledge and experience of EIB applications (GED, Intranet, Business Objects, PeopleSoft, MS Project, Powerpoint and Visio), with proven ability to support them, delivering assistance and maintenance services to internal users.
Able to draft clear and concise reports in English and to produce accurate and reliable documents.
Knowledge of RM activities and processes and of the EIB internal processes/procedures relevant to the areas of accountability would be an advantage.
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and/or French and good command of the other.


Achievement Drive: Continually keeps an eye on performance, focusing on improving it, showing drive and determination to meet short and long-term goals.
Change Orientation: Adapts to differences and changes in the environment; takes a flexible approach to reach outcomes.
Collaboration: Works cooperatively as part of a team; works collaboratively with peers across organisational boundaries based on a genuine interest in and an accurate understanding of others and their individual perspectives and concerns.
Organisational Commitment: Is willing to commit to an organisation whose mission is to support Europe and is open to diversity, and to align her/his own behaviour with the organisation’s needs and intrinsic values, acting with integrity in ways that promote the organisation’s mission, policies and rules.
Cpf final 4

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(Associate) Business Analyst H/F
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