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User Acquisition Manager Trainee

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Contenu de l'offre User Acquisition Manager Trainee chez Free2move

Born in 2016 from the merger of Groupe PSA and the TravelCar startup, Free2Move was created to simplify and guarantee mobility for everyone.

Today, thanks to our agile and conquering state of mind, we bring together a set of new mobility services to meet the travel needs of our customers.

With Free2Move, you can find the closest vehicule and book it for minutes / hours / days in Madrid, rent a car for your stay in Italy, find the nearest charging point for your electric car everywhere in Europe, book a parking space for your weekend in Paris ... all in one click and on the same application !

Free2Move is the Nº1 reflex for more than 1 million users, in more than 170 countries across 5 continents, available in 30 languages and 26 currencies. Free2Move has 5,000 partners and offers 100k+ vehicles available to rent.

If you want to join a team of passionate, dynamic, motivated, and creative people, in a human-sized, innovative, agile, internationally oriented environment ... join us!


Participate in the company's growth strategy and the development of new markets Measure, monitor and optimize the performance of app acquisition campaigns in order to optimize key business KPIS
Monitoring budgets in order to achieve performance and profitability objectives
Manage the various current and future acquisition levers (Facebook, Google, Snapchat, ASA, etc.) Develop the creative strategy and monitor the production of campaign visuals (videos, banners, etc.) Test & Learn: Develop and test new acquisition channels and new audiences and ensure permanent competitive intelligence on your service


End of studies in business school or similar Experience in User Acquisition App or Web Business Managers from top market sources (Google, Facebook, etc.) Knowledge of attribution models and mastery of tracking tools (ideally Adjust) Excellent analytical skills and an appetite for numbers Strong attraction for digital, applications and new technologies Sense of organization, ability to work in a changing environment with tight deadlines Google suite (Sheet, Slides, etc.) Fluent English. Fluency in another language would be a plus


Working at Free2Move means integrating a tribe in which excellence and the culture of performance are synonymous with having a good time; but it also means :

The opportunity to revolutionize mobility with us! A great induction process with lots of surprises Career evolution Latest technological working tools Strong cooperation between our different teams International projects

Free2Move is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to sex, origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or nationality, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.

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User Acquisition Manager Trainee
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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