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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Gefco

With operations in 47 countries, GEFCO Group is a global leader in industrial supply chain solutions and the European #1 in automotive logistics. We are proud of our 69 years of heritage and the expertise of our 13,000 employees around the world.

Our corporate culture is based on building Infinite Proximity™ in our relationships with all our employees and partners. That takes talent. We recruit the best to help us rise to our customers’ most demanding supply chain challenges. And to keep driving our business forward, we are committed to helping our employees develop the skills they need to thrive.

Team work and shared values make us stronger. We are agile, caring, cooperative, trustworthy and courageous. Together, we go further.

We are Partners, Unlimited.

GEFCO Forwarding is the Freight Forwarding Division of the GEFCO Group has its Headquarters based out of Schiphol with a team of over 1,000 employees across the globe. Led by the CEO Tony Gunn and his team, the Forwarding Business Division showed a positive result in 2017 and has an ambitious growth strategy for the period 2018 to 2020.

For the GEFCO Forwarding HQ Finance team at Schiphol, we are looking for a business analyst. This is an excellent position for a talented starter to the labor market with (international) ambitions! You will work in a small ambitious finance team, consisting of 5 people from different nationalities. You will be responsible to provide the GEFCO Forwarding management team with information, analyses, recommendations to enhance our ability to make efficient and effective decisions. We have an ambitious roadmap and a great opportunity to grow our brand in the Freight Forwarding sector as part of the GEFCO group.


Key responsibilities and contribution

Reporting operational performance as defined on the teams KPI’s; Create interactive reports and dashboards customized to business needs; Provide advanced analytics to enable strategic business decisions; Prepare dashboards that provide the management team with the necessary info to improve their performance.

Professional Experience and Characteristics

This position is ideal for a person with a graduation in business information systems or business computing systems, economics or business studies. Knowledge of business systems and Microsoft Office applications (expert in excel); Experience with SQL is a plus; Comfortable working in a fast-paced and adaptable environment; Dynamic, proactive and out of the box thinker; Excited to work in a multicultural environment Ability to cope under pressure and to meet deadlines Affinity with Freight Forwarding, logistics, manufacturing or engineering is a plus


The ideal candidate is someone with strong business acumen, has a passion for data, analytics and financials and is a highly collaborative person who can tackle complex problems Strong interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills Live and share our Infinite Proximity values You are motivated and driven and take on new challenges with a smile knowing you can make a difference Fluent in English and additionally Dutch or French is a plus Occasional travel
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