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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager chez GitGuardian


GitGuardian is a French cybersecurity startup helping developers and security teams secure source code.

Built by developers for developers, their mission is to protect businesses against unauthorized access to some of their most critical systems and data.

GitGuardian already helped more than 100 of the Fortune 500 as well as government organizations find exposed sensitive information that they call secrets on GitHub, that could often lead to tens of millions of dollars in potential damage.

Founded in 2017, they are post Series A and growing fast! They are supported by top-tier VCs and world-class investors who believe in their vision and ability to execute the business such as Solomon Hykes (Docker), Scott Chacon (Github), Renaud Visage (Eventbrite).

Based in Paris they are a true citizen of the world with more than 80% of their customers in the United States.

The Guardians are young, passionate and aiming high!

Job description

We are looking for a passionate Talent Acquisition Manager to help us scale our amazing teams!

You will work in close collaboration with our Talent Acquisition Manager and you will report directly to our Human Resources Director.

By joining our team, you will participate in :

Attract the best talents : identifying candidates and building a strong pipeline using our different means (head hunting, job boards, internal cooptation, recruitment firms, schools forums and networks…). Establishing key profiles : by working closely with our hiring managers you will identify key criterias to look for in a candidate. You will thus write scorecards and design the most relevant hiring process. Recruit the right people : you will have the responsibility of pre qualifying every candidate by using a structured interview methodology, and writing reports to hiring managers. Offer an unforgettable candidate experience : by owning the whole process end to end. With your exceptional organizational skills, you will accompany candidates every step of the way, providing them a smooth and enjoyable recruitment experience, through the final offer presentation. Be an ambassador : Thanks to your motivation and learning capabilities, you will quickly be able to pitch GitGuardian to tech and non tech profiles like no other! Your empathy will allow you to deeply understand our company culture. Thus, you will only value candidates matching our culture, and never prioritize quantity over quality ! In close collaboration with our HR Director and our marketing team, you’ll actively participate into designing and implementing an employer branding strategy Be innovative & efficient : You will propose innovative recruitment actions to improve your way of working and track metrics.

You can expect a strong technical and innovant culture, with the possibility of testing new tools, practices, and bringing your knowledge and recommendations to the existing team.

GitGuardian has the means of its ambition and you will enjoy working within this fast thinking environment.

This position is highly strategic as your work will have a direct impact on the company. As a talent acquisition manager, you know it better than anyone : a successful recruitment can change everything within a team, and so is a bad one !

Why join us?

As a post Series A startup, we are facing many exciting and strategic challenges and we are experiencing rapid growth!
We offer an amazing opportunity to be a part of a strong technical DNA company (built by developers for developers), with a strong impact on the open source community (our free product for individual developers, already alerted 400K developers!)
We built a product that scans GitHub for sensitive information (API keys, database connection strings, proprietary code, etc.), at scale (2.5M commits/day). We seek to automate the creation of “policies” that are enforced at every stage of the development lifecycle (IDE and pre-commit, CI) to make the source code more secure.
Our offices are based in central Paris (75011) and each person of the team can do remote work for 2 days a week in order to facilitate a good work - life balance.

Preferred experience

2 - 6 years of previous experience in a similar position. Strong learning ability : bring what you know, and forget what is not relevant to us does not scare you! Creativity : you love to find new tricks and hacks to find new sources of candidates and reach out to them. Deep understanding of startup dynamics : because creating and growing teams in a startup environment doesn’t mean the same thing as in a much more mature and established environment. Organizational skills : you are hands-on and able to multitask and prioritize your daily workload. Enthusiast personality with strong communication skills. Fluent in English & French.

Recruitment process

1 visio call with the HR department 1 technical test 1 final interview with the cofounders
Cpf final 4

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