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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez goFLUENT

Paris (75)

About the Position

As a Business Analyst at goFLUENT, you will be part of a team of Product Owners supporting world class clients. The focus of the role is to provide innovative solutions to each Product Owner’s needs.

What You’ll Do

Challenge product owners regarding their needs; optimize and simplify workflows. Write, hand in hand with Product owner, detailed specifications (User Stories, Epics). Identify and document issues, risks, and opportunities related to requirements. Work with Architect to come up with the right Technical solution. Assist in operational rollout and support. Prepare technical reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends. Actively research new technology trends and share insights with the team.

What You’ll Need

2+ years of experience in analytics or operations Master’s degree in Business, Information Systems or similar fields Ability to work efficiently in a dynamic and ambiguous environment by combining analytical rigor and judgment. Strong commitment to exceptional customer experience, enthusiasm to drive positive change and persuasive ability. Excellent English communication skills both verbal and written (ability to present detailed analysis, assumptions, and recommendations succinctly). Ability to understand how teams work together and how they exchange information; Experience with Agile Methodology, writing user stories, prioritizing backlog, etc... Be a team player who works well with technical and non-technical resources

What We Offer

Full on-boarding and management support to lead candidate to success. The opportunity of working in an international, youthful and cheerful environment. Stable job position with several career progression opportunities. Personalized language training.

About goFLUENT

For the past 18 years, goFLUENT has been accelerating language learning by delivering hyper-personalized solutions that blend technology, content, and human interaction available globally on any device.

Today, L&D leaders of over 1,000 international corporations in 100+ countries trust goFLUENT’s award-winning digital language learning solutions to speed up the acquisition of language skills needed to build confidence, empower career growth, and build a more inclusive global culture. Since its founding, goFLUENT has helped two million people become better communicators in the languages of business.

With eLearning, Live Lessons, Virtual Classroom, eWriting, and Live Support, goFLUENT provides companies the solutions they need for greater business proficiency in English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, and to adapt to a global economy where linguistic skills are a competitive differentiator. goFLUENT is present in 15 countries across all continents. For more information, visit

Job Type: Full-time


business analyst: 2 years (Preferred)


Master's (Required)


English (Required) French (Preferred)
Cpf final 4

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