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Contenu de l'offre Data Manager Expert (H/F) chez Group Operations

Paris (75) The main activities are to:
Contribute to the co-creation of assets, as “trusted advisor” data manager Co-animate the data management community by preparing and leading workshops, preparing and co-animating webinar sessions Roll-out assets across AXA, through advisory and incubation projects, based on entity needs Measure usage of data management assets and impact, notably in priority business areas AXA REV is also dealing with data in the case of innovative and disruptive projects – usually in collaboration with entities, for which (structured and unstructured) data management practices also bring value. AXA GO at large is also eager to improve its data management practices. Hence part of the job will also consist in supporting the implementation of data management practices at GO and REV.


Technical and professional skills:
Familiar with the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK, from DAMA) At least 8 years of experience in operational data management activities including awareness on data compliance and security. Good knowledge of and experience in the implementation of: Master & Reference Data Management, Metadata Management, Data Exchanges, Data Modelling, Data Quality Management English - Fluent in speaking and writing
Soft skills and competencies:
Ability to lead and coordinate a network of stakeholder from various backgrounds (data scientists, actuarial teams, data stewards, etc.) Organizational skills and rigor in execution Autonomy, intellectual curiosity, and taste for innovation Self-motivated, proactive and able to work in a complex organization Team player in a multi-cultural work environment, able to see the big picture as well as deep dive into details when necessary.
An experience with Health Data and/or Customer Data would be a plus.

About AXA Would you like to wake up every day driven and inspired by our noble mission and to work together as one global team to empower people to live a better life? Here at AXA we strive to lead the transformation of our industry. We are looking for talented individuals who come from varied backgrounds, think differently and want to be part of this exciting transformation by challenging the status quo so we can push AXA - a leading global brand and one of the most innovative companies in our industry - onto even greater things. In a fast-evolving world and with a presence in 64 countries, our 166,000 employees and exclusive distributors anticipate change to offer services and solutions tailored to the current and future needs of our 103 million customers.

Group Operations and Rev

In the last years, significant work has been done to digitize AXA’s business model so far. Nevertheless, due to massive technological changes, customers’ expectations and behaviors have evolved significantly. Thus, we are convinced that we must accelerate our technological transformation to achieve our ambition to become an innovative tech-led company. The opportunities offered by data and technologies are massive both for our traditional insurance business and for new services to achieve our Payer to Partner ambition.
Group Operations sets the tone and must play its role as one of the major catalysts of AXA’s transformation. We are the ones triggering and empowering the evolution of our insurance business model through technology and innovation, driving its concrete implementation globally at speed, with a high quality of advisory and execution.
Within Group Operations, the Research Engineering Vision (rev) team explores and scales the value of data and emerging technologies with the potential to disrupt the current insurance business model and to shape future opportunities in order to better partner in our customers’ lives.
Group Data Management Team

The Group Data Management department aims to: Monitor data and API maturity progress across the Group, and provide advisory and hands-on support for all aspects related to managing data and published APIs as an asset; Foster progress with entities’ data capabilities, coordinate and sponsor the Chief Data Officer, Data Management and Data Architecture communities on: data strategies, data governance, data quality, meta and master data management, external data sourcing, data protection, and data masking; Manage data security and data privacy implementation for rev initiatives.

What We Offer We care about your well-being, so we offer: Package consistent of: 45 days of paid leave, flexible working hours and 2 days of remote work, salary structured of fixed pay and bonus as well as many other benefits; Friendly work environment in a brand new building in Paris with innovative work space; Working in a friendly atmosphere with great collegueas!
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Data Manager Expert (H/F)
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