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Contenu de l'offre Business Data Manager (H/F) chez Groupe Saint Gobain

Accueil Recherche Avancée Région Île-de-France Business data manager (h/f)

Business Data Manager (H/F)

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Référence : 572966
Date de dépot : 11/10/2019
Entreprise : Groupe Saint-Gobain

Descriptif Description :

Saint-Gobain conçoit, produit et distribue des matériaux et des solutions pensés pour le bien-être de chacun et l’avenir de tous. Rejoignez une communauté innovante, passionnée et entreprenante pour améliorer le monde de demain.

Reporting to the Group Marketinf team, you act as an internal consultant, relying on a toolbox (set of Marketing & Development services, methodologies and tools) that you contribute to design. Thanks to your business/marketing expertise and leadership, you show the added value you can bring to your internal customer and how you can help him develop and improve his business. For the success of your mission, you operate with a strong Business orientation, a deep customer focus and an obsession to put data at work to improve business performance.

Data performance for the business

You provide help on demand to businesses on the following topics:

Assess the current processes, help the business to develop its own diagnostic and orient it towards the most relevant data levers to address their challenges

Identify areas of opportunity for AI (Artificial Intelligence) or data automation within businesses or across their ecosystem, Establish or help establishing relevant data visualization dashboards (collection, governance, use). Manage data science projects (for ex. on pricing, sales or e-sales recommendation engines, churn prediction applications) with R&D and IT teams and/or external partners

Data Culture ambassador

You foster awareness of the potential of data for business performance, for marketing and sales topics and beyond. You animate the relevant Marketing community through use cases to be shared and design specific communications on tips and trends in order to improve the knowledge of our internal customers.

You contribute to the training offer on data for business potential with a targeted approach. You actively contribute to UNICAMPUS camps, participate to the organization of the Data days, designing specific modules and animating current ones.

You act as a point of contact for IT on data related topics for marketing and sales tools

Data Strategy definition support

Well understanding the business strategies, operations and organisation (at country level as well as for international businesses like HPS), you help the organization build a relevant data roadmap for marketing and sales to reach business goals and eventually propose new revenue models.

Profil recherché Profil recherché :

High complexity due to the various businesses within the Saint-Gobain ecosystem

International scope (whole world)

Influence on strategy and Saint-Gobain digital transformation through leadership and expertise in particular on data (on demand)

Survey on external practices (benchmark) Collaboration with a network of managers with different positions in the organization (CEO, Marketing managers, Sales managers) and variable level of maturity in digital tools (from basic to very advanced).

Transversal work with group IT, local IT, central R&D and other central marketing teams.

Expérience : Plus de 10 ans d'expérience
Lieu de la mission : Île-de-France - LA DEFENSE CEDEX
Poste(s) disponible(s) : 1
Poste de cadre : Oui
Contrat : CDI
Début de la mission : 11/10/2019

Entreprise Nom de l'entreprise : Groupe Saint-Gobain
Site Web :
Contact : Madame LAHAYE Julie
Adresse : 18 Avenue d'Alsace - Les Miroirs

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Business Data Manager (H/F)
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