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Regional Business Analyst - Region South

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Contenu de l'offre Regional Business Analyst - Region South chez H&M

Paris (75) Regional Business Analyst - Region South (France, Belgique, Espagne, Portugal, Italie, Turquie).
H&M Brand is on a journey to again become a truly customer focused company. In line with our Rewind and Fast Forward strategy, we want to achieve clear ownership, fuel our salesmanship, enable speed and build on our passion for the customer throughout the organisation. We will therefore now take the next steps and set up new Regional teams around the world.

We now look for a Regional Business Analyst !
Are you looking for a role where you will take the lead on customer analysis ? Do you want to drive the business forward through finding new ways of understanding our customer, creating tangible conclusions and courses of actions ? Do you want to be a part of making a great impact in how we will drive sales going forward by digging deep into certain areas and team up with many parts of the organization ? If so, then the role as Regional Business Analyst in Region South might be your next step!

Key responsibilities :

Lead customer analysis

Work closely both with country teams and global functions but also with central functions such as Advanced analytics team, Loyalty program, Online, CAT to influence the customer offer Keep track of competitor data and explore third-party information to learn about our customer Implementing customer strategies into sales team’s WoW, for ex Customer and store segmentation, frequency, shopping behavior etc. Do deep data driven analysis starting with a wide scope and by having a good balance between analysis and reality in countries/stores Do Ad Hoc analysis based on requests delivering an opinion/report suitable for the time-frame, scope & stakeholders

Develop data strategy & drive projects

Drive and develop customer and sales analysis by setting a clear structure within the team for analysing and decision making Identify and lead long-term business opportunities Building up and educate the team within a knowledge base of analysis and around customer data, methods, wow and customer behaviour Conduct analysis connected to OMNI projects

Who you are and your background

You have a strong track record from previous analytical positions You have the ability to connect big data sets to the customer and business You are a university graduate within engineering, business or a combination of the two You are a happy coder with a high level of Excel skills. Coding knowledge is required, but no specific coding language is mandatory even if SQL, R, Python are meriting You enjoy working on strategic level with strong interest in sales and customer behaviour You have a strong drive to develop yourself and your responsibilities You are solutions orientated, creative and curious
Are you ready to join ? This is a full-time position based in Paris. You will be part of the Merchandising team in Region South and report to the Group Manager for Supply Chain Merchandising & Analytics.

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Regional Business Analyst - Region South
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