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Global Data and Analytics Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Global Data and Analytics Manager chez Havas Media

Paris (75) Job Description


Job Title
Global Data & Analytics Manager

Havas Media Group

Front Office


Reporting To

Global Client Officer

FO/MO Global teams within HMG plus local HMG teams External: Clients, prospects, data sources suppliers
Havas Media is the main media brand for global communications group, Havas. We have a simple structure that has been specifically created to promote integration and digital fluency. All of the Havas Media teams are supported by specialist units that span digital, data, mobile, content marketing, sports and experiential. Due to our simpler brand hierarchy, management team and scale, we are the only major communications network that is agile enough to offer our clients the option of integrated service to this level. For ref.: Fastest growing media group in the last ten years. Almost all by organic growth Havas Media Group has secured a new global client partner every quarter since its inception (Jan ’13) 8,500 HMG staff around the globe within 80+ countries and 125+ offices (Havas Group has over 18,000 globally) €2bn turnover
Job Summary
The Global Data & Analytics Manager will play a key role our jeweller client global business (a recent win for HMG with expected global billings of c.€80m across 40+ countries). This role will support the Global business leadership team working very closely with the Global Digital Director and digital specialists. Providing essential management of digital campaign data collection, related attribution and analytics focus, this individual will be a key member of the Global team. Proven competency in data and analytics management will be important. Experience in the luxury sector is a benefit. C.90% of time on this primary global client 10% on other key global client business
To bring data accountability and attribution advisory to the global client business while also committing a percentage of time to other global client relationships based in Paris.
To contribute to internal data & strategic excellence in the digital accountability arena by enhancing knowledge within the Havas teams and crucially with our key clients.

Main Responsibilities
Data management » This position requires that the Manager is able to create and deliver measurement frameworks that create meaningful business value » Working with a performance scoring methodology, aligning better understanding consumer attitudes and perceptions » Working with senior Data & Analytics colleagues, applying techniques to capture and analyse digital data, incl. statistic techniques (e.g. correlation, predictive, regression) Requires a knowledge and capability to deliver attribution modeling, plus familiarity with enterprise web analytics tools (e.g. Google Analytics Premium) » Applying experience in integrating multiple data sources such as ad-servers, rich media vendors, ecommerce data, etc » Produce data extracts to provide automated granular reporting solutions (in conjunction with senior coleagues) » Collaboration & communication with global client teams and local data insights managers to optimize use of global data sources and to deliver consistency in operations
Reporting & Analysis » Experience in driving reporting automation to increase time spent on analysis versus reporting » Crafting insightful analysis that is actionable in driving a set of recommendations that produce improvements/results » Making recommendations for automated dashboards and marketing scorecards » Working with a variety of data such as competitive, buzz, ad-serving, web analytics data, planning data, attitudinal data, etc. » Consultation and execution of combining data sets, developing databases and troubleshooting data integration and hygiene
Digital Marketing Expertise & Teamwork » Maintain ongoing knowledge and growing expertise around new ad-serving, targeting and data management technologies » Assessing emerging media related to measurement » Educating internal teams and clients about all issues related to digital data and marketing measurement » Coordinate with internal client teams, internal departments, partner agencies, clients and vendors.
Reputation » Help to identify (and create) opportunities for external PR amongst industry, clients and prospects
Characteristics of a Successful Candidate: » Prior experience from a data & analytics position, ideally with agency-side or luxury experience » Working knowledge of digital marketing technologies » Ad operations/trafficking experience would be an advantage » Ideally some experience in dealing with large datasets in varied formats » Experience in consumer / market research data generated by tools used in media planning – including 1st and 2nd party data » An understanding of digital attribution and its application in media planning » Experience in using the data generated by tools used in digital advertising (3rd party) » You should be practiced in visualising data in an original and effective way
Education & Languages
Bachelor or Master’s degree in a relevant subject
Previous Experience
3-4 years professional experience in a relevant field
Language Skills


Excellent  Good  Fair  Preferable  Not Required

Excellent  Good  Fair Preferable  Not Required
Key Competencies
The candidate will have worked in a data & analytics role in an agency for at at least 3-4 years He/she should have experience of working in media, and have obtained a working knowledge of the digital and data (incl attribution) arena He/she have developed an understanding of the role of communication strategy and planning across all media. (Online-Offline, owned, shared, earned and paid channels) He/she will already be familiar with media research and data tools, data collection (incl 3rd party sources) and have a knowledge of how these should be applied in planning media in a strategic and analytical way He/she will have regular client contact and should be able to operate at ease with the support of senior colleagues and peers in developing and managing clients to establish strong working relationships He/she will have good interpersonal, verbal and written communications skills and a level of experience in preparing and delivering presentations to clients and internally He/she will show passion and dependability for improving the delivery of services with a commitment to quality, continuous improvement and development of best practice across the network offices on the client business – leading by example where possible (always working in close conjunction with teams/colleagues) He/she will have a collaborative working style, promoting and generating cooperation to achieve a collective outcome; helping to foster the development of a common Company and team/Client vision
Cpf final 4

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Global Data and Analytics Manager
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