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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Heetch

Team: The Global Operations Department works on high-impact, cross-functional solutions and analysis to drive business growth, increase our marketplace reliability and profitability.
Job Overview:
Strategic role between intelligence and growth operations; you will help us level up our understanding and ownership of the business.
Role and responsibilities:
Own the performance monitoring of Heetch marketplaces across multiple regions; maintain actionable reporting, followup on actions, etc.Run in-depth analysis of the business: optimize conversion rates through our funnels, segments (areas, payment means, price positioning, etc) reliability, improve our revenue management and make strategic recommendations.Deliver strategic insights on competition (pricing strategies, local initiatives, etc) to develop best-in-class market knowledge.Monitor our users’ cohorts and lifecycle to identify growth opportunities/threats and support CRM initiatives.Lead critical initiatives involving multiple teams to improve our service reliability; planning and DACI definition, anticipate deviations, coordinate meetings and own post mortems/next steps.Build actionable models (growth models, demand forecasts etc) that will drive our future strategies.
: Know how to dig for extra value in analysis and be proactive. Demonstrate strong communication skills to work in sync with different teams. Understand data structure: experience with SQL and data visualisation tools (Tableau, Looker, Power BI, etc). Python preferred. Be autonomous on your missions: Identify obstacles and address them in time to reach targets. Show a sky-is-the-limit-mindset and behaviour.
Convaincus que tout un chacun a la capacité de collaborer au sein de notre entreprise, nous accordons une importance primordiale à la diversité et l'égalité des chances face à l'emploi. Nous nous efforçons de garantir un environnement de travail sûr et inclusif. Nos engagements visent à construire une équipe composée de backgrounds différents, aux compétences variées et venant d'horizons différents. Pour les citoyens non-européen résidant actuellement à l'étranger, vous devrez présenter un visa de travail en cours de validité pour la France.
Heetch SAS is collecting your personal data (identity, contact details, academic background, professional experience and optionally a covering letter) for the processing of your application to our job offer, based on your consent. Your personal data will only be accessible to our hiring team, our co-founders, and the manager of the position you are applying to. In addition, data are stored by our processor in order to use its applications tracking system. Your data may be stored outside of the EU/EEA but are protected by appropriated safeguards. Your data are stored for a maximum duration of two years. If we do not reply to your application, you allow us to store your data during this term in order to potentially contact you for another position within our company or affiliates and subsidiaries. You have a right to access to your data, to rectify them, under some conditions to erase them, and to limit the processing. Also, you have a right of portability on your data. In addition, you may revoke your consent and we shall stop processing your data. Eventually, you have a right to define directives about the fate of your data if your death should occur. For more information about your rights, please see our privacy policy.
Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst
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