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Contenu de l'offre Assistant Data Analyst chez HID Global

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The Position:

As a central resource for the entire product management group you will collaborate with our PMs on tasks related to supply chain, pricing, data entry, and reporting.

Work cross functionally with Finance and Operations.

Take initiative to understand the data flow process, product creation, pricing and analysis.

Willingness to do repetitive task with a goal/mindset to improve through automation.

Take ownership and not afraid to ask questions when needed

What we are looking for:

BS/BA, or equivalent education plus relevant industry experience. As well as 3-5 years’ experience in finance, operations, or program management, ideally as management assistance or with background in supply chain, pricing and/or data analysis.

Proven track record in understanding the bigger picture around data flow and operations.

Ability to analyze a wide variety of reports such as; inventory, opportunities, backlog, product schedules, rate plans, etc. as well as the ability to summarize the findings into higher level impacts to the team.

Self-motivated and well organized, eager to learn and take on new tasks and continuous improvement through automation.

Ability to communicate fluently and effectively in English, both verbally and in writing as well as excellent listening, interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills.

Computer skills in Excel and ability to create summary material in Powerpoint, experience with Salesforce and Agile is a plus as well as experience in data analysis tools, such as, OAC and Tableau is a plus

Why Should You Apply?

Excellent terms and conditionsFlexibilityOn-the-job training and developmentWork as part of a global team

Would you like to join us?

Last application date: 21st May 2021

HID Global is an Equal Opportunities Employer

HID Global is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to a diverse workplace and does not

discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation,

protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with

disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please contact us at

[email protected]

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Assistant Data Analyst
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