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Contenu de l'offre Digital Business Analyst chez HILTI

It’s an incredibly exciting time to join the Hilti Digital Platforms team! We are redesigning the future of digital at Hilti and are looking for new team members to play an integral part in our transformation journey. As a Digital Business Analyst, you will work in a global, collaborative, fun, and agile work environment. You will partner with the business stakeholders to understand processes and problems, identify potential solutions, and define business requirements for digital projects.

Who is Hilti?

If you’re new to the industry, you might not have heard of us. We provide leading-edge tools, technologies, software and services for the global construction sector. We have a proud heritage, built over 75 years, and a worldwide reputation for pioneering products and exceptional service. With 29,000 people in more than 120 countries we operate with a unique direct sales model and generate around 250,000 customer interactions every day.

What does the role involve?

As a Digital Business Analyst, you define business requirements and recommend solutions in the form of features/epics, user stories, and other document artifacts. You act as a proxy for the business throughout the planning, development, testing, and release activities to ensure that the business requirements are delivered. You create clear and concise documentation to represent a business process or specify a solution using common modeling techniques; in addition to identifying, documenting, analysing, prioritizing, monitoring, and grooming requirements to facilitate software delivery throughout the sprint planning, sprint, acceptance testing, and release cycles. Working in global cross-functional teams, you act as a liaison between local process experts, global process managers, software development vendors, and global IT team members to ensure project deliverables are met.

The Digital Platform team, at our two locations in Boulogne-Billancourt, France and Texas, USA, consists of 130+ team members in 11+ scrum teams working with the newest technologies to create a unique user experience for Hilti’s extraordinary products and services.

What do we offer?

To further accelerate in digital marketing, we are building our Global Digital Hub in Paris. You will experience the agile mentality of a start-up, combining the stability of a sound business model and the working environment of an award-winning culture. You can make an impact from day one in an international and diverse team by shaping the future of digital at Hilti and revolutionize customer interactions.

Why should you apply?

We’re investing more than ever in our digital transformation. As a company whose lifeblood is innovation, we give our customers the next level of digital offerings on an impressive global scale! For you, it means unrivalled opportunities to work in a ‘start-up within’ environment, develop an international career and really have an impact on the shape of things to come.

What you need is:

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Business Administration, or a related field Two or more years of experience as a Business Analyst in an agile software development setting is preferred Strong ability to connect with global partners to build bonds, inspire, influence, and accomplish goals Demonstrated systems thinking ability to solve problems with strong analytical skills Excellent communication skills in English (verbal and written) to translate business needs to tech requirements
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Digital Business Analyst
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