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Contenu de l'offre E-Commerce Manager (H/F) chez Human Solutions

Asnières-sur-Seine (92)



Our client is an international leader in consumer products with strong brands.


Reporting to the Group Country General Manager for Western Europe, this position will play a critical role in company's efforts to rapidly accelerate our e-Commerce growth through pure players and key retailers in France. This position will also be a leader to help build the eCommerce business and capabilities across European region. They will deliver direct sales growth in Click and Drive, Click & Collect and all other formats in France, understand best practices in eRetail and be passionate about data/analytics to monitor and optimize the use of trade funds.


Be the E-commerce sales expert for the French market and share best practices to ensure the growth of our E-commerce function. As our critical store-based retail partners enter e-Com, this role will be the “go to” expert to support the customer teams in e-JBP planning, customer T2Ts, and customer lab visits. The customer teams own this business. This role will be a source of expertise, help develop strategy, help create the “wiring” to key capabilities (like e-Content) and provide support for key meetings, etc. during start-up. Build strong relationships with key customer points of contact and develop strategic joint business plans, as well build & managing sales/merchandising calendars across accounts. Leverage multi-functional support team to manage the operational selling relationship with customers including: forecasting, promotion planning, inventory management, and business reporting. Collaborate with Brand, Customer Marketing & Shopper Marketing to translate brand objectives into digital/social strategies and tactical plans through understanding of brand/category/retailer dynamics & objectives, business plans, marketing drivers and key metrics Build & implement measurement plans that demonstrate delivery against business & initiative objectives, as well as support continuous improvement/optimization


Extensive exposure of leading an E-Commerce sales team, ideally within both Click & Drive and Click & Collect Ability to quickly adapt into a new organization and make immediate impact through positive and proactive nature, high energy level and credible experience Excellent communication, influencing and presentation skills with strong stakeholder management experience at all levels as well as the ability to develop and execute fact-based business plans and arguments Strong financial management skills and P&L management, position requires extensive deal and promotional evaluation and management. A desire to ‘challenge positively’ – think big and take a proactive approach to the customer and the capacity to course correct the customer/channel plan as appropriate, in a timely manner, in order to exceed our customer targets. Business School or equivalent POSTULER RETOUR
Cpf final 4

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E-Commerce Manager (H/F)
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