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Talent Acquisition Manager (H/F/NB)

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager (H/F/NB) chez Illumination Mac Guff


Illumination is seeking for an experienced Talent Acquisition manager to join our team in Paris
This is an ideal opportunity for someone who is interested in finding the right artists with the best skills and energy to deliver our great movies.


You’ll work closely with the Head of Talents and recruitment team.
You will collaborate with leaders across the studios in Paris and LA, to solve challenges, drive recruitment and contribute to our operational excellence.

Manage full-cycle recruiting processes, from initial reviewing of resumes and screening of applicants, to coordinating in-person interviews with the hiring manager or production leads Work closely with the hiring managers or production leads to develop a strategy to achieve results which may include upgrading job description(s), social/posting strategy, follow-through and execution Be the point of contact throughout the recruitment process, from interview to onboarding. Ensure and maintain a good candidate experience Represent and act as an Ambassador in outreach opportunities around the globe at schools, festivals and exclusive Illumination events Build relationships through engagement of active and passive talent using a varied array of tools and resources Promote recruitment opportunities through social media platforms Regularly monitor new employees during the first 3 months


Extensive work experience in a recruiting environment, search firm or related industry position with responsibilities of acquiring talent Bilingual French and English Skilled in direct sourcing techniques and other innovative ways of sourcing talent, experience with Applicant Tracking systems, recruiting tools is a plus Humble and fast learner Be a consistent and effective communicator Results driven and strong team player, experience building relationships and experience working collaboratively as part of a team Strong interpersonal skills, capacity to multi-task, and confidence communicating with all levels of management are important aspects of the position. Meticulous over-communicator who will proactively keep hiring managers up-to-date on talent pipeline You are energetic, autonomous and proactive, and know how to prioritize your efforts to juggle very different jobs and several positions in parallel;

The ideal candidate is passionate about film making and animation.


Our team develops and brings animated stories to life, exploring universal truths through a visual and comedic expression that invites our audiences to discover ideas, experiences, and emotions in ways never before imagined. We serve the story and our characters.

Entrepreneurial in spirit, sophisticated in design, innovative in our approach, we aspire for excellence and seek talent who have a passion for driving creativity no matter the role they hold.

Family and friend screening, social events and additional benefits to keep you smiling The opportunity to work with diverse team, in a truly international environment Office in central Paris, Work from home policy Internal mobility opportunities, “give your chance” culture


Initially, when your application is selected, you will receive an introduction call to explain the main points in terms of this position, and to have a chance to showcase your motivation.
If successful, you will have the next step with our Hiring Manager and an interview with our 2 co-presidents and one more key stakeholder within the studio.
We will always give you chances to add anything to your application in terms of video, message, additional information or any remaining questions before making the final decision (which will be based on your overall performance during the process)
As a final step, hopefully we can deliver some good news and greet you as our new colleague!


Illumination was founded with the goal of infusing Joy & Discovery into every character and putting smiles on the faces of every person in our global audience. Our team develops and brings these stories to life, exploring universal truths through a visual and comedic expression that invites our audiences to discover ideas, experiences, and emotions in ways never before imagined. We serve the story and our characters. Entrepreneurial in spirit, sophisticated in design, kind in our approach, we aspire for excellence and seek talent who have a passion for driving creativity no matter the role they hold.

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Talent Acquisition Manager (H/F/NB)
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