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Marketing Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Manager chez INSEAD

INSEAD brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world to educate leaders who transform business and society. As a mission-driven school, INSEAD focuses on three values: open, rigorous, and entrepreneurial. Founded on a commitment to innovation in management education, INSEAD was the first international business school, introduced the first one-year MBA, pioneered company specific executive education, and has developed a unique fully integrated multi-continent campus structure. Today, no more than 10% of the incoming MBA class comes from one country – we truly are the Business School for the World .
We are currently looking for a Marketing Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Manager to join the Degree Programmes department in our Fontainebleau campus.
The Marketing Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Manager plays a crucial role in delivery of business insights for strategic decision making. The role requires both technical skills to be able to source data and set up necessary queries and reports and analytical skills to identify, track and forecast business trends, be able to advise on risks and opportunities.

Main tasks include :
Query structured and unstructured data sources, perform data extracts.
Identify and remove corrupted data, give recommendations to improve data quality (data flow, change of processes, etc.)
Set up reports and dashboards to inform marketing and sales strategic decisions.
Own DP monthly Dashboards and core strategic marketing and sales dashboards and reports.
Perform end to end analysis of the pipe, identify areas of improvement and possible bottle necks, propose achievable solutions.
Perform analysis and provide insights on the higher education market, including competitors’ analysis, INSEAD market share evolution, pricing studies, etc.
Present analysis and insights in a clear and concise manner to team members and business stakeholders including recommendations for implementation and next steps.
Become the key expert on complex data extracts and analysis related to marketing and sales, communicate the results, propose solutions.
Build and manage reports and dashboards. Prepare regular reports on the sales funnel and prospects engagement, measure ROI, report on main marketing and sales KPIs.
Support Marketing Operations in reaching the alignment between data collection and reporting requirements.

The ideal candidate should have the following profile:
Higher education (Master level preferred) ideally in Data Analytics, Business Management, Information technology or other related field.
First proven work experience in business and data analytics
Demonstrated experience and knowledge of Tableau CRM, PowerBI, Sales Force is essential
Knowledge of statistical analytics is a plus
Excellent written and oral communication in English
Excellent interpersonal skills
Both team player and autonomous

If you are interested in this position, please send your resume and cover letter (in English) to Talent Acquisition Europe at [email protected] .
Kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be notified and valid working papers are mandatory.

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Here how you can do it:

Location: Boulevard de Constance,F-77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, Fontainebleau (77)

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

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Marketing Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Manager
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