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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager chez INTERSEC Group

We are recruiting a Senior Recruiter with a robust Talent Acquisition experience to join our HR team.

As such, you will be responsible of end-to-end recruitment processes for a large variety (mostly tech profiles) of positions based in our different offices : Tech, Professional Services, Sales and Marketing.

Your role :

Source diverse and innovative talent channels to attract the best profiles across regions Understand and deliver the best ways to find qualified candidates, how to find passive candidates, and networking opportunities Manage a diverse set of roles whilst building up internal market intelligence for top profiles recruitment: you are not afraid of the “talent war,” you like finding rare profiles and recruiting for various positions Recruit the right talents: you identify potential talents through CVs; you know how to conduct a good interview in order to submit a relevant shortlist to the hiring managers Support & contribute to our employer brand development (career portal, events, campus, etc.) Manage and advise demanding stakeholders with high expectations Closely oversee your candidates’ hiring process to ensure smooth, high-bar and high-quality interviews Report on your activity to identify process optimization opportunities Offer a quality candidate experience: you are in charge of the recruitment process. Being rigorous, reactive and ensuring a good follow-up is key to provide a good candidate experience Be efficient: you track metrics and find solutions to improve your way of working Follow up on your new hires integration and integrate feedback to continuously improve sourcing and recruitment effort Cherry on the cake: You will (REALLY) have the opportunity to work on HR projects at least 30% of your time: Integration, career, performance report ... your proposals are welcome, and you can pilot projects in this direction

We work with several high performing jobs (Linkedin, Indeed, WTTJ, ...) and save valuable time with our ATS (Workable).


The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the following:

A Minimum of 3 years experience in Talent Acquisition Resourcefulness and ability to excel in a fast-paced environment, you’re autonomous and do not hesitate to involve the right people to achieve your goals Sourcing has no more secrets for you: Boolean operators, approach message - you take the time to CUSTOMIZE You’re result driven and a proactive problem solver: nothing can stop you! You are hands-on and able to multitask and prioritize your daily workload You use critical thinking, active listening and emotional intelligence to assess candidates Willingness to roll up his/her sleeves to enable Intersec’s growth Your editorial skills are undeniable and your spelling is irreproachable A strong sense of curiosity, willingness to learn new things (new techniques/tools in HR recruitment and development) and a natural capacity to step outside of comfort zone You have an outstanding communication, interpersonal and influential skills You have an impactful presentation style: you will represent Intersec You are familiar with the startup ecosystem You speak both French and English (B2 level minimum) Your good mood and your taste for teamwork will definitively seduce us!


Why join Intersec :

If you enjoy multicultural environments (+22 nationalities) and are looking for an international scope If you like an open-minded and knowledge-sharing team If you like working on both recruitment and hr projects Bright offices, Casual dress code, Company restaurant, RTT & home-office Perks : billard, table football, piano, gym

Ready for the challenge ? Let us know more about you !

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Talent Acquisition Manager
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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