Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Senior Finance and Business Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Finance and Business Analyst chez JCDecaux

Eure-et-Loir At JCDecaux you’ll be part of the world’s No. 1 outdoor advertising company. We enable iconic brands and household names to engage with their customers in a unique way whilst helping to shape the look and feel of cities across the world. Our talented people contribute across a wide range of roles; ensuring our clients are connecting with the right audience in major airports, shopping malls, on the high street, at railway stations, supermarkets and creative media spaces.
The role
To Support JCDecaux Sales & Finance Divisions in managing reporting and forecasting key sales data. A key figure in assisting and building of good working relationships between Sales & Finance and with key business partners. Impact
Analysis and Reporting Overseeing Weekly Sales Reporting Follow up and improvement of the business partners KPI reports Adhoc sales analysis for the UK Directors Construction and Preparation of dashboards for the sales and project managers General development of reporting functions to align with changes in business need and direction Revenue performance analysis by business division and product Continue to automate and streamline reporting processes where possible# Internal reporting to France/One World : inventory, panel audit, client and industry analysis
Finance Manage the forecasting of the airport Revenue and Rents & Fees Monthly OPEX review, analysis and commentary to Directors Ad hoc Financial Analysis for the head of Financial Planning & Analysis and UK Directors Liaise with and assist central Finance team to ensure accuracy of revenue forecasting & budgeting Assist with audit duties in line with company internal and external policy where necessary.
What are we looking for?
Qualifications Master Degree or equivalent Highly computer literate in MS Office Tools (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) Understanding of accounting and finance main principles Experience in data extraction tools will be much appreciated (ideally Business Objects) Fluent English is a must
A confident communicator with the ability to work across all discipline of the business Able to work in an international environment Hardworking and flexible approach with a strong focus on accuracy and quality Able to accept ownership & responsibility and work as a productive member of the team
Why should you join our team?
Well there are a number of reasons to come on board our team of talented professionals, but here are just a few…
We are inclusive, fair and family friendly We invest in the training and the development of our employees We value and support our people and believe our people make the difference We believe in building a diverse and inclusive culture and positive employee experience We believe that diversity of thought, experience and background provides the platform for great creativity
We are committed to equal employment opportunities regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability or gender identity. If you have a disability or any reasonable adjustment that requires accommodation, please contact us.
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Senior Finance and Business Analyst
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