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Contenu de l'offre Senior Paid Search Manager chez Jellyfish UK

Paris (75) Demonstrates measurable success through the achievement of set KPIs. E.g. account turnover and profitability, campaign management,
report generation/analysis and overall service of your assigned Paid
Search team.

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Experience in digital marketing management; and/or previous accountability for annual billings in excess of R5m.
In-depth knowledge of the technologies and processes involved in running Search Media campaigns (Knowledge using DoubleClick for Search
would be advantageous).
Proven success working in the Google Marketing Platform, Google Ads and Bing Ads
Google AdWords Certified A good understanding of Google Analytics and other web analytics packages
Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. (Experience using the Google Suite would be advantageous).
Day to day management of digital media paid search campaigns (PPC) for assigned client accounts, focusing on net revenue and net profit
(NPC) growth.
Manage campaigns to clients’ weekly and monthly budget goals Master Jellyfish’s methodologies, and internal tools, required to deliver efficient and profitable digital marketing campaigns
Analyze performance data and provide appropriate action plans based on conclusions
Work closely with Client Services to formulate campaign strategy, plans progress and results
Work closely with Project Managements to meet deadlines, both time and budget
Manage client team expectations Assist with the compilation of campaign reports to Jellyfish brand standards.
Maintaining an in depth understanding of Jellyfish’s marketplace. Manage own time effectively. Manage task distribution and effective execution within the SA Paid Search department
Support and mentor team members and assist them with their campaign strategy and management focussing on the technical aspects of
running paid search campaigns.
Work with the Business Development and Client Services teams and contribute to client strategy and planning, accurately representing
the PPC capability in order to achieve both client and company goals.
Develop and maintain best practices to assist with driving performance for our clients.
Contribute to the development and improvement of processes as the industry evolves, sharing your knowledge with the local, regional and
global teams.
Set a professional example in behaviour, attitude and results at all times.
Uphold the company’s position and integrity at all times The Senior Paid Search Manager is responsible for the strategy and
efficient day to day management of assigned client accounts, focusing
net revenue and net profit (NPC) growth.
Cpf final 4

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Senior Paid Search Manager
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