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Business Analyst (F/H)Business Analyst (F/H)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst (F/H)Business Analyst (F/H) chez Joblift

Société : AtosequensWorldline is one of the leading and most innovative payment service providers in Europe. As experts in financial processing and software licensing we provide services to fulfill all needs of the dynamic European payments market. Innovation is high on our agenda, as the payments industry is rapidly evolving. That’s why we foster the development of new and innovative solutions, such as instant payments, contactless payments, mobile payment solutions and digital identity services, allowing our clients to cater for the shifting needs and increasing demands of their customers. Each year we process billions of payments, point-of-sale and ATM transactions. Obviously, all those transactions must be processed seamlessly, securely and efficiently. And that’s what we do.

Being a central pillar of the Worldline Group, it’s our ambition to support our clients in keeping up with the rapidly shifting needs and increasing demands of their customers. A challenging job, as the European payments market – and therefore also our organization – is subject to continuous change. equensWorldline is a truly European company with office locations in multiple countries and a broad, international client base in numerous countries across Europe.

Our activities and responsibilities are at the heart of our issuing back office product.

Working in an international context (customers & teams), you will join a business analyst team and your mission will to:
Contribute to the business development activity Collect, clarify and deal with the internal & external customers’ needs in depth Express the business requirements aligned with the product management Design solutions enriching our offer in compliance with the product strategy Translate the requirements into user stories understandable for the teams Assist and support all stakeholders (eg customer, development, tests teams) through the complete process Write functional documentation Demonstrate the functionalities to an internal or external audience We are looking for a new teammate gifted with following skills:
Autonomous and responsible Good communication, listening and interpersonal skills Proactive and focused on cooperation Putting things into perspective Committed (taking ownership for the result) If you like working as a team, being open to change and if satisfying our customers is at the heart of your concerns, then join us soon!

Why work at equensWorldline?
Our culture is informal. Within our company, teamwork and clarity are very important, as well as customer-focus and a result-oriented approach. And of course…pleasure in our work! We work closely together with our colleagues in the different countries. English is our common language. As a result you really experience that you are part of a European, international company.

Your Application
If you wish to apply for this position, please click below to complete our online application form and attach your CV in either Word, rtf or text format.
Atos does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, sex, age, disability or sexual orientation. All recruitment decisions are based solely on qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience and relevant business requirements.
We are committed to making reasonable adjustments to the applications process for people with disabilities.
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Business Analyst (F/H)Business Analyst (F/H)
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