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Senior Associate Securitisation and Capital markets (m/f)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Associate Securitisation and Capital markets (m/f) chez JOBLIFT GMBH

Our Securitisation and Capital Markets practice is expanding and we are therefore looking for a Senior Associate or Counsel specialised in Securitisation and Capital markets. Depending on your experience, such candidate may be appointed as head of such “Securitisation & Capital Markets” practice. Your responsibilities You will draft and review securitisation related documentation, including setting up securitisation vehicles; You will work on securities issuance documentation; You will liaise with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Regulator in the context of securities offering approvals and/or legal issues; You will be in charge of managing matters which includes meetings and conference call with clients, following up on requests as well as drafting all legal and regulatory documentation needed; You will be part of a young and dynamic team; you will report to the two partners in charge of the department and manage associates; As a manager, you will be responsible for training younger associates, assigning and supervising their work and organising team work in a proficient manner; Your profile You hold a University degree in law; You have minimum 4-6 years' experience in a Luxembourg Law Firm; You are fluent in spoken and written English and French; Confident and professional, you enjoy working and interacting within a multi-cultural setting; You have a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, combined with good organisational skills; You have excellent communication and interpersonal skills; You have an eye for details and you are proactive to suggest improvements; What we offer International and friendly working environment; Possibilities of secondment within the CMS or clients' organisations; Working for diversified and reputed clients in various transactions; Competitive remuneration package; Work-life balance; Legal training; Possibilities to attend and/or organise, internal and external seminars/conferences; Possibilities of writing press articles or specialised books; If you are interested, please send us your CV via Please note that all informat...
Cpf final 4

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Senior Associate Securitisation and Capital markets (m/f)
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