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Stagiaire Clinical Data Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Stagiaire Clinical Data Manager chez Kantar TNS

We go beyond the obvious, using intelligence, passion and creativity to inspire new thinking and shape the world we live in.

To start a career that is out of the ordinary, please apply...

Job Details


Health Division

Understand People

Inspire Growth

Clinical Data Manager (Trainee) - 6 months internship - 75014 - Paris

Kantar Health Division has a vacancy for a trainee position of Clinical Data Manager with interest in medical researches. Reporting to a Data Management Director, this person works primarily on domestic and/or international non interventional studies. Committed to client service and research excellence, he or she will be expected to support the data management team to deliver on client requests. To be successful, this person, in conjunction with the project team, will be fully involved in all the stages of studies, from the study set up to the final delivery/report and will be a key player in the data management of the studies.

At Kantar you will be working in a truly international and dynamic environment. Not one day will resemble to the other.

Our Health Division is a global Contract Research Organization and consulting company providing research and strategic recommendations to our clients from the global pharmaceutical, medtech and biotech industries. We work across a large variety of studies within the healthcare industry. In France, our team has doubled in only 2 years and is now composed of 100 healthcare consultants coming from very diverse horizons. Within Kantar you’ll also be working very closely with our colleagues present in our 80 locations around the world.


Contributes under the supervision of a Data Manager and/or Data Management Director, to the data management steps database set up (data entry, user acceptance test), database conduct (queries management) and database close-out on different type of studies. Performs data entry and manages data entry staff Performs data quality checks to verify accuracy; Writes/edits data management documents: Data Management Plan, Data Validation Plan, Data Management report, Quality control report… Interacts with Data Management team and/or data management subcontractor and project teams. Manages users account


Meticulous, conscientious and committed to client service and research excellence; Possesses a strong ability to organize self-planning, to multitasking and ability to work with different teams; Commits to enhancing skills and knowledge, and seeks to expand level of responsibilities; Good writing skills; At least Bac+2/3 or Undergraduate / Bachelor program; Fluent in English; Any experience or significant interest towards the healthcare sector or pharma industry would be a plus Knowledge in programming language would be appreciated (SQL, SAS…)


You will be surrounded by passionate colleagues in an open and engaging environment. You will be given room to work a large variety of topics and grow and continuously develop yourself together with some of the best within their expertise.

We go beyond the obvious, using intelligence, passion and creativity to inspire new thinking and shape the world we live in.

At Kantar we have an integrated way of rewarding our people based around a simple, clear and consistent set of principles. Our approach helps to ensure we are market competitive and also to support a pay for performance culture, where your reward and career progression opportunities are linked to what you deliver.

If interested, do not hesitate and apply!


Paris, av Pierre MasseFrance

Kantar Rewards Statement

At Kantar we have an integrated way of rewarding our people based around a simple, clear and consistent set of principles. Our approach helps to ensure we are market competitive and also to support a pay for performance culture, where your reward and career progression opportunities are linked to what you deliver.

Kantar is the world’s leading data, insights and consulting company. We understand more about how people think, feel, shop, share, vote and view than anyone else. Combining our expertise in human understanding with advanced technologies, Kantar’s 30,000 people help the world’s leading organisations succeed and grow.

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Stagiaire Clinical Data Manager
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