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Contenu de l'offre Chargé de webmarketing H/F/X chez Klaxoon


Founded in 2015, Klaxoon is a French company and a member of the Next 40.

Klaxoon is the first cloud workshop platform, adopted by millions of teams worldwide. Klaxoon better addresses the new reality of hybrid work by fostering a new way of working based on a workshop approach for all teamwork scenarios.

In 6 years, the Klaxoon team has grown from 5 to 300 employees all over the world: Rennes (HQ), Paris, Lyon, Boston, New York and Singapore. Klaxoon won numerous prizes including 4 CES innovation awards. 5000+ organizations use Klaxoon in their daily work in 120 countries, from SMEs and mid-size companies, to universities, NGOs and public authorities as well as 100% of CAC 40 companies and 15% of the Fortune 500.


Klaxoon is looking for a Webmarketing Specialist with proven experience in digital marketing using paid media. This position will report to our SEO & Paid Media manager. In this role, you will :

Own paid search marketing operations from strategy execution, planning, campaign structure management, campaign optimization, bidding strategies, and measurementTrack and steer the paid search campaigns whilst also providing insight into performance in the form of weekly status updates, monthly reporting and quarterly business reviewsConduct keyword research and optimize keywords based on campaign objectives.

Who you are

2+ years of industry experience and at minimum 1+ year of Paid Search experience, managing and executing high budget paid media digital campaigns across various channelsPreferred experience in the following platforms : Google Ads (Search & Shopping), Linkedin Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Google Analytics Experience on Search Ads 360 and Amazon Advertising is a plusYou have both a collaborative mentality and a data-driven mindset that can drive positive ROI through paid search channelsUp-to-date knowledge of current paid search marketing trendsExcellent interpersonal and communication skills, confidence in presenting work and ability to interact comfortably with the teamPassionate, hard-working & self-motivated mindsetUp-to-date knowledge of current trends

This role can be based in Paris with some frequent travels to Rennes.

Klaxoon is a great place to work. As a growing company, communication is key to ensure everyone’s voices are heard, and helps us maintain our culture. We listen and learn and above all we support each other.

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Avantages :

Participation au TransportRTTTravail à Distance

Horaires :

Du Lundi au Vendredi


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