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South Europe Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre South Europe Talent Acquisition Manager chez Korn Ferry International

Montereau-Fault-Yonne (77) About Us

"We are Prysmian Group, a leader in anticipating the world's energy and communications needs. From energy and connectivity to communications, we improve the lives of millions of people. We strongly believe that our employees are our most valuable asset, so we ensure that our ongoing investments ensure that our organizational needs match individual skills, capabilities and expectations.

In June 2018, Prysmian Group and General Cable became One Company. Building on our combined strengths and values, our goal is to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers and stakeholders. Prysmian Group and General Cable: integration continues at full strength.

With more than 140 years of experience, a turnover of €11.1 billion, nearly 30,000 employees in more than 50 countries and 112 production units, our Group is strongly positioned in high-tech markets. We offer the widest range of products, services, technologies and know-how. »

The Role

The Talent Acquisition Lead will support the Talent Acquisition function to ensure the delivery of our recruiting efforts. This person will have the opportunity to
work with our Regions and the Central teams to guarantee recruiting quality and delivery. This person will also facilitate the achievement of targets related to
diversity, quality, recruiting mix and internal moves. Finally, this person will also be the reference point for engaging and nurturing and facilitating the relationship
with recruiting agencies (for example headhunter, if needed), the service providers (LinkedIn) and the coordination of Employer branding activities . He/she will
also manage and facilitate the Internal Job posting, ensuring process alignment at local, regional and global level.

Key Accountabilities

Partner with the business and local hiring managers to understand their talent needs and proactively build talent pipelines ; Review the business needs with our internal colleagues, create and advertise the job descriptions on suitable recruiting channels; Actively source candidates who are suitable for the positions (internally and externally) ensuring the company brand message Manage the job posting process (internal and external) and efforts for the assigned region/country; Conduct interviews and interact with our recruiting partners; Provide/facilitate feedback to all the candidates and guarantee an excellent candidate experience; Ensure documentation and organize successful onboarding; Update our ATS accordingly; Support the employer branding initiatives.

Skills & Experience

You are fluent in French and English (Spanish or Italian is a plus)

You have a minimum of 5 years experience in a similar position.

Experience in managing end to end recruiting processes; Experience in implementing recruiting strategies; Strong record in screening, interviewing and shortlisting candidates; Experience in sourcing techniques and strategies (Boolean Searches, LinkedIn Recruiter, Social Media); Experience in organizing and managing recruiting and employer branding events Excellent communication and presentation skills.

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South Europe Talent Acquisition Manager
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