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Contenu de l'offre DATA ANALYST H/F chez L&A Partners


Réf: 675

Localisation: Paris

Parution: 03/03/2022

L&A Partners est un cabinet spécialisé dans la recherche de cadres et dirigeants en Assurance et Finance d’entreprise

Dans le cadre d'un poste à pourvoir chez l'un de nos clients, compagnie internationale de réassurance nous recherchons un Data Analyst H/F.

The CTO department is in charge of

providing all the means to support the underwriting activities for Single Risks ensuring that all underwriting activities comply with the Group guidelines improving the underwriting journey and anticipating future needs.

Manage Exposure Data for Specialty Insurance Single Risk: this currently includes mainly locations for First Party Damage but could also in the future encompass additional data required to enhance the underwriting process for Single Risks Specialty Insurance underwriters.

Business owner of the main tools used for data capture and exposure data referential:

In coordination with the underwriting platforms product owner and the Pricing & Modelling teams, provide relevant solutions to answer users’ needs, assist IT teams for tests, and drive change management with final users. The current scope of applications contains

Property, Offshore and Space Risk Databases: Internal group tools built to be the knowledge databases on major risks in the Specialty Insurance portfolio

Data Capture Module (DCM) after its delivery.

Implementation of analytics around exposure data:

Develop new visualization tools to better use exposure data for the underwriters

Monitorgroup exposures by using reporting tools such as Tableau or building specific applications

Monitor the global level of accuracy of locations entered by the data capture teams (geocoding, occupancy, insured values...), to assess the global quality of information in our system Participate to the CTO data analytics objectives:

Pro-actively consider different ways of doing things to improve efficiency or reliability with POC or redesigning the processes

Provide insights in a “user friendly” way for end-users by upgrading and developing current tools (web applications or Tableau Reports)

Learn, develop and deploy the necessary techniques and tools required to analyse large datasets for underwriting and exposure insights

Ensure that the data used in the various tools used by the underwriting community is accurate and up-to-date by developing tools to assess the accuracy of data

Be the exposure data owner for our Specialty Insurance datalake

At least 3- 5 years of experience as a Business Analyst in a consulting firm or IT project or Data science or GIS for an insurance company. Knowledge of underwriting processes and/ or tools with an international scope is a plus.

Your experience has enabled you to acquire a first experience in IT project management and business process analysis.

The role requires fluent English skills (oral & written). The candidate must be open minded and used to working in a cross-cultural environment.

Soft skills:

Good writing /presenting skills and analytical mind/impact assessment

Multi-tasking: ability to multi-task, working on more than one issue simultaneously.

Autonomy: be able to carry out tasks in autonomy and collaborate with a worldwide team.

Technical skills:

Experience with VBA, Tableau or other BI tools

Knowledge of geographical exposure analysis (Esri, ARCGis, GIS,…) is a plus

Data extraction in SQL, knowledge of Python is a plus

Experience with IT projects (Agile,…)

Strength of proposal.

Good understanding of Business and IT processes and willingness to constantly update knowledge.

Proactive, open-minded and good team spirit.

Cpf final 4

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