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Contenu de l'offre Junior Traffic Manager chez LaFourchette

Company's description

LaFourchette, part of TripAdvisor group company, is a pure player company and the european leader of restaurant online booking. We are an innovative and fast-growing company building a unique community of members to transform the way people go to restaurant!

LaFourchette company's goal is to become the #1 app for restaurant online booking in the world.

In the BtoB marketing team, and reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager, the position offers the opportunity to work on a varied range of digital web-based in order to increase traffic and generate more inbound requests.

In addition to leading day-to-day user acquisition and growth efforts, you spearhead a wide range of projects and initiatives to increase conversion rate on our websites.

Main tasks:
Develop traffic Implement the SEO strategy Driving our SEA strategy along with the performance marketing team : manage budget, identify optimizations, improve efficiency, run tests Manage the translation process across our 11 countries Optimize our landing pages to consistently improve our conversion. Create and A/B test landing pages Monitor results Improve our B2B websites Identify opportunities of improvements on BtoB websites, prioritize projects, design experiments… Watch up competitors Coordinate and support all contributors Train local teams to WordPress content management Requirements:
Ability to work independently, be self-motivated and results-oriented but still and excellent team player Being a team player and working cross-functionally with the other Marketing departments, markets and agencies to ensure an ROI-driven deployment Love data; rigorously analytical and apply a data-driven approach to all marketing activities Experience with analytics tools to track and measure campaign performance, ROI, etc. Fluent in English and French What we offer

Attractive salary & bonus based on performance Restricted Stock Unit International Environment Meet-up & Conferences Cool and cosy offices located in the heart of Paris (9eme) RTT, flexible hours, home-office Fresh fruits delivered everyday Ping-pong, "babyfoot", video games, board games, free massage, yoga, cross training and boxe lessons, afterworks, theater courses, global european seminar…
Cpf final 4

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Junior Traffic Manager
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