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Crypto* Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Crypto* Talent Acquisition Manager chez Ledger

Ledger is the global leader of security solutions and infrastructure for cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications, with more than 3.5 million users in 165 countries. Ledger combines hardware and software expertise to secure billions of dollars worth of almost 2,000 different crypto assets - worldwide, 15% of these assets are managed through the Ledger ecosystem.
Crypto* means cryptography & cryptocurrency at Ledger, we will recruit a lot in those 2 areas for our innovation team and Product Security - Ledger Donjon. Are you willing to join a company with a startup spirit that is still growing faster? Motivated by the challenge of recruiting top profiles, scale teams?
Our Stack : LinkedIn Recruiter, Lever, Time, Love ( x repeat)
In full growth, we have an ambitious recruitment plan, meaning a real issue in terms of talent acquisition and onboarding.


Being responsible of the all recruitment process from sourcing, direct approach, management of applications via ATS, following candidates through their all process to the closing Work on Crypto* recrutements with Technical expert Connecting with Hiring Managers - your internal customers to carry out the closing of your positions in self-reliance to collaborate, engaging regular exchange and collaborate with Hiring Managers Participate in HR improvement projects Developing the visibility and attractiveness of Ledger Ensuring a watch on innovative actions in your field Participate in our referral policy program


Experience in operational recruitment, ideally in a context of strong growth or on a market where there is a dearth of good engineers Mastering the recruitment process through direct approach Being data driven and monitoring your work with KPIs Willing and able to take a step back from your recruitment activity in order to carry out structuring projects for the talent acquisition activity Having worked in an international context and being comfortable in English (speaking, talking, reading) Understanding the Tech / Dev Open Source & Crypto*/ Blockchain ecosystem


Competitive compensation package and ESOP according to the Company policy Flexible working hours, remote-friendly environment Strong focus on personal development including internal/external trainings and attendance to conferences, internal talks, technical meetups and Hackathons High performance office equipment Comprehensive health insurance policy offering extensive medical, dental and vision care coverage Meal Vouchers with Swile (ex Lunchr) Annual company outing for Ledgerdary Days, plus frequent parties, snacks and drinks Employee discount on Ledger products Ledger guarantees equity for all during the recruitment process, without any distinction of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, social status, disability or age

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Crypto* Talent Acquisition Manager
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