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Growth hacker internship for a creative video search engine

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Contenu de l'offre Growth hacker internship for a creative video search engine chez Left Productions

Paris (75) Temps plein, Stage

The company

Our goal is to free creativity in the video industry (you can read our vision on this link), and we are growing quickly in Los Angeles, Paris and London. We originally started with a YouTube channel dedicated to music, 3èmeGauche, with featured artists such as Bastille, Ben Howard, Kodaline, etc with 150,000 subscribers. We then grew into a full-service creative production company.

We create, produce and post-produce ads, music videos, branded content and we are entering the world of TV series. We are growing fast (with 100% growth per year for the past 6 years, and more this year). We work with big companies (Adidas, Tag Heuer, LVMH, Universal, etc), scale-ups (Zebra, Revolut, Deezer) and many artists (Ofenbach, Tobi Lou, Trip Carter, etc).

We aim to create an innovative model. In that regard, we developed a creative video search engine designed for producers, brands and agencies called, right video. With more than 3000 directors and 1000 producers listed, our goal is to turn into an essential tool for the video industry.

We are a team of 19 full-time passionate people and about 50 freelancers. Our Paris is near Voltaire in the 11th arrondissement.

The Mission: Digital Project Manager Internship

You will work hand in hand with Augustin, the co-founder of Left Productions and Your goal will be help him in the day-to-day:

Run growth-hacking projects and think about the growth strategy: you will discuss the different growth strategies with Augustin and define a course of action. There are many actions that can be taken (SEO, content strategy, online ad, PR, growth hacking, etc) Supervise the team in India: we work with a team of taggers in India. You will supervise them to make sure that the database is as complete as possible and as well organized as possible. Develop the community of users: you will create relationships with directors, producers, agencies, brands, etc. You will be in touch with them to understand their expectations and explain to them You will manage all communication aspects around (newsletter, instagram, emailing, press relationships; etc).

This is an opportunity that will allow you to have a great vision on the video industry. You will build your network extensively and you will be able to grow rapidly.

You are:

Passionate (this is our main criterion). Very interested in media, production and tech Looking to build a network and a career in those industries

Compensation: depending on the profile.

Apply directly on this link:

Cpf final 4

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Growth hacker internship for a creative video search engine
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