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Business Analyst (Fashion, Watches & Jewelry)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst (Fashion, Watches & Jewelry) chez LVMH

The Business Analyst will support the Distribution expert in his mission to accelerate the performance and professionalization of e-wholesale for the LVMH group, working with the Maisons across all product categories and geographies


Owner of Fashion New Retail (All models indirectly led by brands) performance intelligence: Budget, Collect and manage intelligence sources and materials Owner of Fashion new retail monitoring solution (On-going tracking of KPIs across divisions,markets, LVMH Maisons and Competitors) Identify opportunities at division and group level and make strategic recommendations leveraging all sources of intelligence (retail partners, brand presence, merchandising) Collaborate directly with Maisons to identify specific opportunities and help craft action plans Create and present C Level reports for LVMH group and Fashion Maisons showcasing findings and recommendations Oversees creation and deployment of Fashion newsletter to international audience Owner of the Assortment & new distribution cycles project (supported by Intern) Supports US VP of Distribution on ad hoc Fashion projects and pilots Watches & Jewelry: Collaborate with Maisons on specific one shot projects and on-going studies in partnership with APAC digital Team Define and deploy W&J intelligence roadmap

Transversal (cross divisions):

Create and send out a monthly Luxury new retail intelligence newsletter in partnership with the Distribution team members Create cadenced business performance reports across divisions and geographies in partnership with the W&S/P&C/Selective distribution analyst and local digital teams Manage centralized new retail online database (accessible by all Maisons) Collaborate with Distribution Acquisition & Conversion apprentice on modelization and pilots performance tracking Business case modelisation (P&L definition & build, commercial terms simulations, pricing etc...) and recommendations (short / mid/ long term)

Project management

Collaborate with Partnership & Start up teams to identify and recommend solutions & providers Define brief, conduct RFP and participate in product design and deployment. Ensure product will be delivered within right timeframe, cost and quality

Operational excellence

Optimize existing reporting tools and set up new solutions to optimize sell through Organize and animate distribution & performance workshops (locally and internationally) in partnership with the Cultural change team and Local Digital teams Help Maisons define and set up performance frameworks (scorecards etc...) as well as recommendations on indicators they should request to their business partners

Management: coordination of external partners

Travel: 25% international travels


Master in business administration or finance, international trade

Minimum of 5 years' experience in merchandising, buying, category management, business analysis and/or intelligence

Experience working for a Fashion brand or a Fashion online multi brand retailer is a plus

Excellent knowledge of the online distribution networks and challenges in the luxury industry

P&L build and financial modeling

Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst (Fashion, Watches & Jewelry)
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