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Senior User Acquisition Manager (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior User Acquisition Manager (M/F) chez Madbox

Madbox is a mobile gaming company, creating and publishing its own games worldwide. After two years of existence, Madbox has gathered more than 100 million players, still growing. We are looking for top talents with mad skills, a mad passion and a mad ambition to join us.
After our success in the hypercasual segment, we are now developing casual games - currently in various stages of development - and are looking for a User Acquisition Manager to manage its marketing.
As a Senior User Acquisition Manager, you will be in charge of making our casual titles scale, reach millions of users and reach strong ROI KPIs.

What will you do ?

User acquisition: You’ll be in charge of campaigns performances management. Your daily mission will be to manage and monitor our major user acquisition channels (Facebook / Google / video ad networks) to maximize volume while respecting your ROAS target. Prepare Game Launch: You will be in charge of providing a clear and effective launch process and execute it, cooperating closely with the game production team and the creative team. Data Analysis: You’ll be at the center of a huge amount of data. One of the key parts of your mission will be to analyze user acquisition, find opportunities for further scale, develop deep & easily reusable analysis. Define new tools: You’ll imagine new revolutionary tools that will help you automate your work, unlock new insights and support our internal tool developers during the development Creatives: You’ll work hand to hand with the marketing creative team to create the best performing ads for every marketing channels. Your mission will be to bring new ad ideas, benchmark market best practices, share with the team previous creatives performances. Build best practices: You’ll be proactive to reinvent the way the team works, always experiment, and bring learnings to the whole organization Benchmark: Gaming market is a very creative and competitive market. One of your mission will be to analyze and share new trends (usage, games, platforms, ads, etc) with the rest of the team.

Mad Skills Required

Strong data analysis skills (preferably with an education background in engineering, finance, or mathematics) You have two years of experience working in user acquisition for a successful casual game High expertise in Excel and basics of data analysis with Python & SQL Solution oriented: ability to be “hacky” and focus on solutions in front of each situations You have positive attitude with the ability to give and receive constructive feedback Your organization skills are top notch, enabling to make progress on several topics in parallel You have good communication and, team spirit and proactivity You have a good level of French & English (speaking & writing)

The Madbox Culture

You are a humble yet ultra ambitious individual You are a team player and a game maker at heart You are T-shaped and enjoy small structures where everyone has a strong impact You want to learn and grow in a passionate environment

What do we offer ?

Competitive salary Team profit sharing Private medical cover Lunch coupons Weekly team events Madbox is a fast-growing mobile game company based in Paris and Barcelona, creating and publishing its own games. The story of Madbox started when two video game studios fell in love with each other during the summer 2018. A few months after the beginning of this promance, Madbox first in-house titles hit the top charts of the App Store and Google Play Store worldwide, ranking in #1 positions in more than 100 countries. After just two years of existence, Madbox has gathered more than 100 million players, still growing fast. To fuel this creative and operations growth, Madbox develops cutting-edge automation systems internally to shorten production times and drive accurately its performance at large scale.
Madbox will collect your personal data for the purposes of managing our recruitment related activities. That is why, Madbox may use your personal data in relation to the evaluation and selection of applicants. Your information will be accessible to recruiting & people teams in Paris & Barcelona. By applying, you expressly give your consent.
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Senior User Acquisition Manager (M/F)
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