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Contenu de l'offre Head of Growth chez malt

Description du poste
Malt connects businesses with freelancers, finding the perfect match for every project. With insurance that provides peace of mind and a simple, secure payments process, we are trusted by tens of thousands of customers. Since 2013, we have recruited >150,000 freelancers and >80,000 companies, ranging from CAC 40 to local start-ups, and raised 32 million euros in venture capital funding. Join Malt and be a part of the start-up that is disrupting the market. Help them change the #futureofwork for freelancers and businesses alike. Job Description Mission:Malt has built a marketplace and has attracted tens of thousands of customers in 3 countries, now we need to step up to another level. Your main missions would include: Optimize SMB acquisition in France, Spain and build it in Germany Launch a demand generation machine for midsize-large companies in all 3 countries Launch an Account based marketing program that help sales land and expand their accountThis position will be the right hand of CMO, and the main challenge for Malt to scale in the already existing clients in France and launch new markets. Key Success factors: Build our Demand Generation Machine for all markets Oversee SMB acquisition from Google (SEA, SEO) and retargeting Lead generation on intermediate and large accounts Effectively expand and manage omni-channel programs including social, webinars, infographics, video and web Fill the pipeline with qualified leads that generate revenue Lead the marketing architecture, tools Collaborate closely with the sales and creative teams Effectively position our products and services Understand our customers, their buying criteria and why Malt have the best value proposition Conduct A/B test on the website to maximise conversion Build dedicated landing pages for different personas CRM Management Ensure we are using Salesforce (implemented in Q3 2020) to its maximum efficiency Design and lead account based marketing strategies to help sales farm their accounts Partner closely with sales teams Manage a team of 4 people with at least 3 recruitments in 2021 while working closely with communication and content teams Manage your team through clear goal setting, regular 1-1s, help them grow Manage 2 Traffic Managers, 1 Marketing Ops, 1 Data Analyst Partner with HR to define recruitment needs (and at least 3 additional posts in 2021) Partner closely with other teams Communications & content Product and data teams Preferred Experience 8+ years experience in marketingStrong knowledge of digital marketing and growth in a B2B environmentHands on experience of account based marketing, Salesforce and automation toolsData drive with a strong ROI focusAmbitious team playerFluent english, french would be bonusProficient in karaoke
Cpf final 4

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Head of Growth
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