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Industrial Engineering Data Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Industrial Engineering Data Analyst chez Mars

Industrial Engineering Data Analyst (W/M/X)

Location: Steinbourg

Contract: 1 year fixed term contract

The Industrial Engineering Data Analyst will have to provide the right data analysis to guide the site of Steinbourg toward performance, continuous improvement and long term strategy. As a data expert, the Analyst supports current data applications and leads all projects related to data management for the factory.

What are we looking for?

Master degree in Information SystemAt least one first experience industrial environmentFluent French and EnglishMicrosoft Office Suite, Excel, Power Query, Power Bi, Power AppsDatabase management (Azure, SQL server, …)

What would be your key responsibilities?

1. Support all functions in their data management (Q&FS, Safety and VSO), ensure that current dashboards work properly and create new dashboard If necessary.
2. Make data analysis and recommendation on specific topics
3. Improve data management in the factory by proposing efficient ways of working and/or tools
4. Lead all data management projects for the factory (FMS, Tracksys, eFMOS, Data warehouse)

What can you expect from Mars?

At Mars, we believe in a relationship of mutual trust, dignity and respect between our company and Associates that is more meaningful than the standard employer/employee relationship.As Associates, we can expect to be respected, supported and valued as individuals, to be treated fairly and equitably.You will join the most iconic segment of Mars and the world's largest chocolate manufacturer, which includes M&Ms, Snickers, Twix, Maltesers, Freedent, Airways and Be-Kind cereal barsYou will join the 1750 Mars Wrigley Associates spread over the 3 sites in AlsaceOur Steinbourg ice cream plant has invested in heat recovery from the refrigeration units, reducing gas consumption by nearly 50% and avoiding the release of 10 tons of CO2 over 5 years
Cpf final 4

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Industrial Engineering Data Analyst
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