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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Intern chez McKinsey & Company

Description du poste

What You'll Do

You'll work in teams of typically 3 - 5 consultants, playing an active role in all aspects of the client engagement.

This includes gathering and analyzing information, formulating and testing hypotheses, and developing and communicating recommendations. You'll also have the opportunity to present results to client management and implement recommendations in collaboration with client team members.

You'll gain new skills and build on the strengths you bring to the firm. Business Analysts Interns receive exceptional training as well as frequent coaching and mentoring from colleagues on their teams. This support includes introductory training as well as a Partner from your local office or practice assigned to you to help guide you throughout your internship.

You will work at the client site with your McKinsey colleagues and with the client team, owning a distinct piece of the project. Some examples of the specific work may include interviewing clients, leading client teams, building financial models, creating and delivering presentations, and working with McKinsey subject experts to develop perspectives and insights for the client. You will likely intersect with many elements of our firm's work including Digital McKinsey, Implementation, and New Ventures - either by collaborating on teams or working with colleagues from these groups.

Our Business Analyst Intern program gives a group of undergraduate students and eligible graduate students first-hand experience with consulting at McKinsey. You would work in your host office for ~10 weeks. You will participate in an introductory training program, as well as a range of social activities to get to know your office and the firm. At the end of the summer, you may receive an offer to join us as a full-time Business Analyst after completion of your degree.

Various locations in the U.S. and Canada typically host our Business Analyst Interns including many of our functional practices. A small number of international locations may also host interns.

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